Interrogation Room Tango

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Song: Trust Issues by Drake.

Summary: bangchan is a police officer, and you were a wanted criminal. also his daughter who he left years ago.
By now, he had pretty much realized you had murdered around 3 people and the police released a search for you around the city. They caught you and you are now a loose thread for bangchan to handle. And due to the given circumstances- you find yourself locked in an confrontation about your sentence.

You woke up to find yourself handcuffed to the interrogation room table, the hazy memories of being carried back flooding your mind. Through the glass, you spotted Chan in conversation with his superior, his gestures and the stern look on his face indicating a serious discussion.

You strained to catch snippets of their conversation, but the words remained muffled. Frustration and defiance bubbled within you, handcuffed and restricted once again. The love-hate dynamic between you and Chan intensified in this moment of vulnerability and helplessness.

Chan glanced in your direction, meeting your gaze for a brief moment before returning his attention to the conversation at hand. There was a flicker of concern in his eyes, a hint of regret perhaps, but the professional facade remained intact as he continued the discussion with his superior.

You huffed, putting your head down on the table. Visibly agitated, Chan entered the room, his expression a mix of duty and a hint of sympathy as he relayed the news about the court's decision. "The court will decide your sentence," he stated, his voice carrying the weight of the situation, torn between his professional obligations and the undeniable emotional turmoil.

You let out a frustrated sigh, your agitation palpable as you rested your head on the table. The love-hate dynamic between you and Chan lingered in the charged atmosphere, an intricate dance of conflicting emotions playing out between the rigid constraints of the law and the tangled history you both shared. "This isn't over," you muttered, the words laced with defiance and a sense of resignation, your gaze fixed on Chan.

"Consider yourself lucky it's not longer, given the circumstances," he added, the conflict between duty and the complicated emotions he harbored evident in his tone. You let out a bitter laugh, the weight of the sentence hitting you hard despite Chan's attempt to rationalize it. "Lucky? Really?" you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm and a tinge of resentment towards the system. The love-hate dynamic between you and Chan added an extra layer of complexity to this tense moment.
Chan's jaw tightened at your response, the inner turmoil reflecting in his eyes as he struggled to maintain his professional demeanor. "It could have been worse," he replied, a hint of frustration seeping through him. "At least you weren't given the death sentence." His words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of the situation, the conflicting emotions simmering beneath the surface.

You scoffed, the bitterness of the situation seeping into your voice. "Yeah, I'm practically celebrating," you replied sardonically, your tone laced with a mix of defiance and a hint of resignation. The love-hate dynamic between you and Chan colored the atmosphere, the unspoken complexities of your shared past and the strained present amplifying the tension in the room.

Chan's gaze faltered for a moment, a flicker of regret passing across his face before he composed himself. "Just serve your time," he stated with forced authority, his conflicted emotions barely concealed behind the mask of professionalism. "you know the only way i could've gotten peace would be death" You mumbled, a weird feeling shot through you. One of anguish, resentment and nostalgia as you felt his hand on your jaw suddenly.

Chan's hand rested on your jaw, a sudden touch that held both a hint of tenderness and a firmness that demanded attention. "Don't say that," he responded, his voice gentle yet carrying an undertone of sternness, a mix of empathy and a sense of duty. "There are other ways," he added firmly, the conflicting emotions evident in his expression as he grappled with the complexity of your statement.

"You can find peace," he continued, his voice holding a subtle urgency, the love-hate dynamic between you both permeating the charged atmosphere. "But not like this," he urged, "your no one to say that. you left, and anyway its too late to come back now and before you say I'm just a teen and you can come back. No you cant" You said sharply.

Chan's grip on your jaw tightened briefly at your sharp words, a flash of hurt crossing his features before he composed himself. "I know I left," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of regret and unresolved emotions. "But it's never too late," he insisted, his tone firm yet laced with a hint of desperation, the love-hate dynamic between you both escalating amidst the charged conversation.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness," he continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of remorse and a fervent desire to make amends. "But I'm here now," he added, the conflicting emotions evident in his eyes as he grappled with the tangled history and his present responsibilities.

"You're not just a teen to me," he stated, the words holding a depth of emotion, a sense of protectiveness layered with the complex dynamics of your relationship. "I want to help you," he admitted, the lines between duty and the lingering affection he held for you blurring in this emotionally charged exchange.

As the female supervisor entered the room, the charged moment between you and Chan abruptly came to an end. Her authoritative presence disrupted the tense atmosphere, and she wasted no time in asserting her control.

"Jail time, honey," she announced briskly, her tone carrying an air of finality as she directed her attention toward you. The love-hate dynamic with Chan intensified in this fleeting moment before you were swiftly dragged away by the supervisor.

Before being pulled out of the room, you shot Chan a venomous glare, a final display of defiance by flashing your middle finger. The complex emotions and the unresolved history between you both simmered beneath the surface, the clash of love, hate, and unspoken sentiments echoing in the charged air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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