Mr. Angry & Ms. Comfort (IDOL AU)

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Song for this chapter- Moonlight by Chase Atlantic

Summary:- Chan comes home angry and frustrated after a long day at the studio, His daughter knows a way to fix it.

Genre- Fluff, Chan has a soft spot for the reader.

The evening sun dipped below the horizon as The sound of the front door opening drew her attention, and soon enough, her father, Chan, walked in. His shoulders were tense, his expression clouded with frustration. Y/n could sense that he was upset, he hung his jacket on the coat hanger with a heavy sigh.

Seeing him like this stirred a mix of concern and caution within Y/n. She wanted to reach out, to offer comfort, but she knew better than to risk adding to his anger. She watched him as he moved to his room, the door closing softly behind him.

For a while, Y/n hesitated whether to check on him or to give him the space he seemed to need. Eventually, she knew that pushing him in such moments could lead to unintended consequences.

As the minutes turned into hours, Y/n found herself yawning. The day's stress had caught up with her, and despite her best efforts, her eyelids grew heavy. She changed into her pajamas, turned off the lights, and crawled into bed. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the window.

Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she heard a sound-the creak of a mattress being pressed down. Before she could react, she felt someone settling onto her bed.

Y/n's eyes shot open, and she blinked in surprise as her vision adjusted. It was Chan, his face barely illuminated by the moonlight. He was lying beside her, his head propped up on his elbow, looking more vulnerable than she had seen him in a while.

A soft smile played on Y/n's lips as she reached out to play with his curly hair. "Rough day, huh?" Before he could respond y/n laid herself flat on her father's toned body (which was covered with a T-shirt).

Chan's tension seemed to dissipate as he looked at her, his expression softening. He nodded, his voice quieter now. "Yeah, just one of those days, you know?"

She continued to run her fingers through his hair, a gentle rhythm that seemed to soothe both of them. "I get it, Dad. School was a mess today too."

He let out a chuckle, and the air seemed to lighten between them. Chan reached over and turned on the air conditioner, knowing Y/n couldn't sleep well in the heat.

As they lay there, the silence between them was comfortable, filled with unspoken understanding. But then, without warning, Y/n launched a tickle attack on him, her fingers dancing along his sides and then to the most sensitive area-the nape of his neck.

Chan's laughter rang out in the room, a mix of surprise and delight. He squirmed and tried to fend her off, but Y/n was relentless. After a moment of playful struggle, he managed to capture her wrists and flipped her onto her back.

Y/n's laughter bubbled as Chan pinned her down, his fingers finding her sides and returning the favour. Amidst the laughter, their eyes met, and a shared moment of connection passed between them.

Finally, as the laughter subsided, Chan's expression softened. He leaned down, his forehead touching Y/n's gently. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice sincere.

Y/n smiled up at him, her fingers tracing circles on his arm. "You know, sometimes all you need is a little laughter to ease the emotions"

Chan nodded, his eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and love. With a lingering touch, he finally let go of her wrists, moving to lie beside her again. The room was filled with a sense of comfort, the weight of their frustrations lifted through their playful exchange.

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