Chapter 2 - STALKER-

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Earlier that day


"Got the list of flight attendants you requested" my assistant says walking into my office . He places it on my desk Infront of me. I smile "thanks Ta" I say closing my tabs on my computer. Ta was my assistant but before that he was my long time loyal friend. He knows me even better than I know myself sometimes. In life I go by "trust no one " but Ta was the only one I could ever trust. "What did you even need them for?" he asks curiously as he makes his way to the sofa in my office. "Got word that kai is sending spies, can never be two safe " I explain. He lays back as if he was at a therapists office. "And you think you're gonna sniff out the rat from a few profiles of random flight attendants, do you have suspicion it could be one of them? " he asks . I nod opening the file , the first profile being an average looking man with silver hair , he looked quite young . To be honest I had no idea what I was looking for , I was never gonna spot a spy with just a profile . I shake my head with a sigh when I hear a chuckle from Ta. "there's some cute ones in there even if you don't catch a spy you could still have some fun" he winks. He wasn't wrong though, there were a few but one especially caught my eye . "Pete" I read the name out loud reading through his profile . Aged 23 been a flight attendant for 4 impressive. "hmm maybe this file does have a use after all" I smirk to myself satisfied with my findings. "found someone?" Ta smiles knowingly. Id been with plenty men , most of the time involved with business but i wanted something that wasn't a chore , one night with a complete stranger who i didn't have to pay .

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and my smile fades. "enter" I say sternly . The door opens and one of the house keepers head pops through the open space . "sir your fathers on the line" she says. she looked terrified and quickly scurries away in a hurry. I put the phone on hold and look at Ta who gets up . "guess that's my cue to leave then" he says laughing awkwardly before leaving my office closing the door behind him. I don't blame him , things between my father and I always turn into a heated argument. I sigh before picking up the phone and answering it.

Back to the club bathroom

I stare down at the shorter man Infront of me and take a step forward his back already pressed against the wall. His eyes are forced shut making it so tempting to just devour him right here . His reaction when I lifted my hand was not what I expected , did he think I was going to hit him , does he think im picking a fight with him. I let out a small chuckle , he really was drunk. I edge closer bringing my face close to his feeling him shudder under my embrace on his arm. "Its dangerous being this drunk and all alone at the same time" I whisper into his ear. His body so tense you could almost physically see the chills run through him. He looks up at me and thats when I notice his brown eyes , they were dialated and a bit red. He grabs onto my arm almost balancing himself , for someone so lean and small he had a strong grip. He squeezes my bicep and suddenly busts out into laughter. I stare at him blankly when he shoves his pointer finger into my face "who do you think you are ?" he slurs . Why was he suddenly so angry "what?" I was so confused , his profile didn't say anything about being bipolar . Why did he suddenly wanna pick a fight. He pokes his finger into my chest "I said who do you think you are, was that some sort of threat" he repeats. I scoff "you've got some fire , are you always like this or does the little devil in you only come out when you're drunk ?" I ask. His face became red suddenly and sweat beads form on his forehead . He begins to unbutton his shirt and that's when i decided i was done holding back . "Pete" I call out sternly , he looks up at me quickly shock and confusion all over his face. "Stalker how do you know my name!" he asks. I smirk sliding my had down his unbuttoned shirt making it travel down his milky skin from his exposed shoulder down to his chest stopping to hold his chin up to look at me . "you'll find out soon enough but before I could go any further he suddenly drops into my arms fully unconscious . "Pete" I shake him trying to wake him but he was out .

Suddenly the door opens and the silver haired guy rushes in. "Pete" he yells rushing over to grab him. "who are you?" he raises eyebrow seeing my hold one Pete. His eyes travel noticing Pete's unbuttoned shirt . "Did you try take advantage of him" he grabs Pete away holding him up in his arms. Saying no would be a lie but i wasn't the one who tried to undress him. "Pervert" he says before struggling out the door with Pete in his arms trying to wake him as he leaves.


I wake to someone shaking me. "Pete, Pete wake up we're at your apartment" I hear Tay say. My eyes open slowly trying to regain consciousness. We were in the backseat of a taxi and I was layed down with my head on Tay's lap. I sit up rubbing my eyes. Do you want me to take you up?" he asks but I shake my head " No its okay I can go up by myself " I tell him. he looked worried "you sure?" he asks , "yeah" I nod my head to reassure him. Tay nods his head leaning over to open the door for me. "Thank you for looking after me" I say placing my hand on his hair and he smiles . "I'm gonna go now" I tell him, "mmm" he smiles , "bye bye" he waves before I close the car door and make my way upstairs.


I spent the rest of the day binge watching series and eating all the snacks Tankhun hid in the back of the pantry . By mid day he still wasn't back and I almost had a bit of worry for him. What if some murderer lured him in and chopped him up into pieces . I shake my head destroying the thought when suddenly the apartment front door opens and in walks the devil himself. I sit up to glared at him , "oh look who finally decided to come home , having too much fun with a hook up?" I ask. "I don't do such things I have you know" he informs me "Kinn and porche took me home with them last night " he continues. Kuhn makes his way over to the fish tank in the corner of the room with a bottle of fish food when suddenly he screeches . I jump startled by the sudden loud noise. "ELIZABETH!" he yells dramatically "SEBASTIANNNNNNN NOOOOOOO!" he cries out. i hold my hand to my ears. "what's happened?" i ask. Tankhun turns around with the fish food bottle squished in his hands . "SOMEONES MURDERED MY FISHHHHH" he cries.

I know this was a bit of a short chapter that's why I have double released . Please feel free to comment and vote and thanks for reading.

RIP to Elizabeth and Sebastian may they rest in fish heaven

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RIP to Elizabeth and Sebastian may they rest in fish heaven.

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