Chapter 13- ARIELLA/REMI

Start from the beginning

Reluctantly, I pulled away from him, even though I didn't wanted to. I noticed a pair of heels nearby, reminding me that they belonged to me from the same night I got drunk.
I got up standing still looking at him

I know he will wake up soon, as his entire schedule is changed. He is now being trained by Uncle Ronan, my first crush, and is working on a case or something similar.

Glancing at the chair, I saw his shirts - one white with black prints and the other black with white stripes. Curiosity led me to his walk-in closet, where I discovered an array of colorful clothes. However, I couldn't help but notice that he has been favoring black lately. I smell the shirts but his scent isnt there, so I picked up the two shirts which smell like him. The perfume he uses or the body bath he uses does smell like him but faintly, his scent would barely be present. His perfume only faintly resembled him.

Taking the shirts with me, I jump out of his window, a daring act that no longer scares me. Sneaking out and leaping from windows has become second nature, like flipping a coin.

Returning home, I sat down to write to Sophi. She is standing there once again, wearing her beloved white frock. I realized that she would only take people with her if I didn't write to her. Sometimes, I wish I could become an author and bring the mystery thriller stories in my mind to life. But I quickly push that thought away, not wanting to hurt my mom again.

She is completely here and I can see her from now on like before.

I opened my laptop and began searching for Helen Nash. Unfortunately, there isn't much information available, but I did find two websites that mentioned her. Helen Nash was renowned as one of the most successful authors in the suspense genre.

Her books are truly remarkable, without a shadow of a doubt, never a drag when it comes to her books.

I see a paper and click on it. It has a picture of her as well. She does bear some resemblance to Dad and me, but not entirely. Helen Queens, the accomplished author of mystery novels.

Helen Queens? Queens like Silver Queens? Hold on, why does this paper mention Queens? Isn't she a Nash?

I probably shouldn't be delving into these things, but after reading her books, I'm certain anyone would be curious to know her, delve into her mind, and understand how she crafts those intricate twists and plots.

If I inquire about her with Dad, maybe he'll provide some insight. I'm also working on a book, but no one knows about it since I don't want anyone to read it. I have a storyline and everything, but I'm missing a twist, and I believe Dad can help by sharing stories about his mother.

I shut the laptop and prepare for University.

I attended classes today as if nothing had occurred. Annie appears to be happier lately, which I don't mind. I just want her to be happy, with or without Vaughn. I know he's the one for her. However, she ignores him and labels him as a jerk. She pushes him away, but he keeps coming back. In this scenario, I am Vaughn and Rem is Annie. He's also pushing me away, and I shamelessly keep going back to him.

"I have a tournament, more like an opportunity, again for military."

"You will definitely emerge victorious, Annie."

"This time, Lidya Morozov is against me."

"Morozov? Is she his cousin?"

"Yes, she is trained in the military, just like Vaughn. I have only managed to defeat her once."

"And what about you?"

"I have been trained by my sensei and coach, both of whom are ex-military."

"So, you are also trained in the military then."

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now