𝘟𝘝𝘐. ᴀɪʀᴘᴏʀᴛs

Start from the beginning

“Leslie also has a flight to catch and he offered to go. I already packed your suitcase so just dress up and go. Heather and I are taking you there”

“You're going too?”


“Not at all”

She got out and dressed up. She put on light grey Hilary Yoga pants and a random blue hoodie.

She put her headphones around her neck and a beanie. Then she put her usual black converse and got out of her room.

“Mum, where's my suitcase?” she whispered, since Adam and her dad were probably still asleep.

“It's by the front door with all your other bags”

“Bags? I'm only leaving till February, I don't need that many clothes. Also, I already have clothes there”

“She made me bring a bag and I'm not even traveling”

“No, honey. One of them has food in case you get hungry. And put your scarf on! I don't need you getting hypothermia like your classmate Lydia” she said as she wrapped a long scarf around her daughter's neck.

There was no point in saying anything else. Lucas opened the door and they left.

She saw a black car in front of her driveway and put her things inside the trunk. She had around three bags and a whole ass suitcase so it took her a while, even with her brother's help.

She got into the car, expecting it to be empty, but Walker was already there. She got scared and threw her phone at him. Her brother sat next to her and stared with widened eyes.

“Man, come on, it's 1am!” Lucas said.

“Ow! Hello to you too” he said, rubbing his forehead.

“I wasn't expecting you to be here! Hi, Mrs Scobell” she retrieved her phone and shut the door.

“Hi, Daphné”

“Just as I was starting to fall asleep you hit me”

“It's not like I want to be here either. If you leave me by myself I will kill you” she said as Heather started to drive.

She was absolutely terrified of airplanes. They scared her way too much and gave her lots of anxiety.

“Bla bla bla. I don't get why our mums made us get up so early”

“You think this is early? Everytime we go on a family trip my dad wakes us up eight hours before the flight”

“Dam, really?” he looked at Lucas. He just nodded as he got a call no one other than Leslie. He put his headphones and answered.

“I'm never complaining in my life again”

“You hungry? My mum gave me a full backpack of snacks.” she said as she pulled out a Reeses.

“Is that why it smells like pizza?”

“Pizza? By the end of the flight I'll probably look like a Walmart version of Nikocado Avocado”

“Hah, you already do” her brother said.

“See, this is exactly why Leslie dumps your ass every three days”

“More like three hours” their mum said.

“Guys, come on. She can literally hear you”

“I don't really care”

𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙮 // Walker Scobell Where stories live. Discover now