"He doesn't hate you, you know," the girl informed him. "Lucky just likes to mess with you."

Festus, now without his usual banter, turned his attention to Vienna. "I knew that," he replied with a nod, although the undertone of his voice suggested he didn't.

Vienna let out a small chuckle as she watched the fear in Festus's eyes disappear as they met hers. There was now a rare sincerity in his eyes, a departure from their usual dynamic. "How are you holding up?" he asked, his voice reflecting genuine concern.

Vienna, appreciating the sincerity in Festus's words, managed a small smile. "It's tough, you know? Felix was... He held all of us together."

Festus nodded in understanding, his expression mirroring the weight of their loss. "Yeah, he did," he agreed softly. "It feels strange not having him around."

As they exchanged memories of their friend, Vienna felt a sense of comfort in Festus's presence. Despite their usual banter, moments like this showcased the depth of their friendship.

Together, they walked towards the front, where a podium stood amidst a backdrop of flowers. The weight of the funeral hung heavily in the air, but with Festus by her side, Vienna felt a certain strength in facing the moment.

"You ready for this?" Festus asked, his voice laced with genuine concern that contrasted with his usual nuisance.

Vienna took a deep breath, the weight of the eulogy resting heavily on her shoulders. "I have to be," she replied, her eyes reflecting her inner desperation and sorrow.

The assembled mourners hushed, turning their attention towards Vienna as she approached the podium. The weight of everyone's gaze felt palpable, but in that crucial moment, Vienna drew strength from the support of her friend.

With a small, yet noticeable, clearing of her throat, Vienna started to articulate her thoughts into words. Each syllable she uttered in the silent room was laden with the profound weight of shared grief that everyone present could relate to. Her speech was not just a eulogy but a homage to a life well lived, a life that had left an indelible mark on everyone he had met.

"I'll never forget the day I first met Felix—it was the first day of preschool, and I was alone, too scared to speak to anyone. Felix noticed my solitude, and despite my objections, he pulled me into his small group. From that day on, he became my best friend." She recollected, tears streaming down her face, "During the war, home was a hostile place, always filled with arguments, so I spent most of my time with Felix. Despite the dangers of being outside, he vowed to always protect me, and he kept his word until the very end."

Despite her best efforts, Vienna tried to keep herself composed for the sake of those attending the funeral, but her attempts to hold back her overwhelming emotions proved unsuccessful. "No matter the depth of despair I found myself in, Felix was always there, like a beacon in the storm, ready to put a smile back on my face. His presence alone carried a certain luminescence that could fill even the darkest of rooms with hope and happiness.

His laughter, the sound that used to reverberate through the hallways, adding warmth and joy to the atmosphere, now echoes merely in our hearts. His absence has left a void, a silence that is deafening, and a darkness that is blinding. It is a loss that we all feel deeply, a wound that will take time to heal."

She paused, taking a moment to gather herself as she looked out at the sea of grieving faces. "But let us remember that while Felix is gone from our sight, he will never be gone from our hearts. We will remember him not for the sorrow of his departure but for the joy of his existence, for the love he shared, and for the lives he touched. Felix was a friend, a son, and a beacon of light in our lives. And even though he is no longer physically present, his spirit, his essence, his love will continue to live on within us."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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