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AFTER VISITING Felix, who had yet to wake up, Vienna spent the hour preparing herself for the tribute interview

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AFTER VISITING Felix, who had yet to wake up, Vienna spent the hour preparing herself for the tribute interview. She snuck home, slipping on the same dress she wore to the reaping—the one she wore the first time she saw Treech.

She tried to make herself the most presentable, even putting on makeup to cover the print from her father's hand. She needed to look good for the cameras and the audience.

Stepping into the academy's auditorium, she realized the veracity of the interview. This was her chance to prove Treech was worthy of his survival. She needed the Capitol's sponsors to help keep him alive. His longevity was the one thing she needed.

"You look beautiful, Vienna," she heard from beside her as she entered backstage. Turning her head, she saw Mizzen smiling at her.

"Why, thank you, buddy."

"She looks beautiful all the time."

Treech. He stood free of any restraints—no handcuffs or shackles around his wrists and ankles. Vienna's nerves seemed to calm down the moment she heard him speak.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Treech." Vienna smiled as she walked over to him, her arms reaching around his neck as she stood on her tippy toes due to the height difference.

Vienna was taken by surprise as Treech pulled her even closer, placing his head in the crook of her neck. The hug was the closest they had ever been to each other, and they were enjoying it.

"Are you ready for this?" Vienna asked, pulling away from the hug, only for Treech to place his hand in hers. He craved physical contact with her in the moment; his anxiety was at its all-time worst. "Remember, be emotional—the audience wants a show. I can do most of the talking, but if Lucky asks a question directed towards you, it's your time to shine."

Treech, curious about what to expect, asked Vienna. "What kind of questions is he gonna ask?"

"Lucky knows me on a more personal level than other mentors, so be prepared for more,"

Vienna paused, thinking of the correct word to say, "—intruding questions." Treech nodded, staying silent as Vienna began to fix the hat on his head.

As Lucky called the two onstage, Vienna squeezed Treech's hand in reassurance before pulling him behind her. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as Treech and Vienna were introduced. The dazzling lights illuminated their figures, casting them in a surreal glow.

Lucky, the charismatic host, welcomed them with a big smile. "Vienna Hawthorne and Treech! What an incredible duo. Vienna, dear, lovely to see you again; how does it feel to mentor such a promising tribute?"

Vienna, ever composed in the face of the Capitol's scrutiny, responded with a rehearsed smile. "Treech is the sweetest and most caring boy I have ever met. He is strong and determined—not to mention he is very attractive as well."

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