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FELIX RAVINSTILL, unarguably Vienna's best friend, stood in front of her with an unsettling aura

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FELIX RAVINSTILL, unarguably Vienna's best friend, stood in front of her with an unsettling aura. Something was visibly wrong, and the effects of the bombing were etched across his roughed-up appearance.

Having heard the news that Felix was awake, Vienna made her way straight to the hospital, but what she saw was heartbreaking. She wished she never went—she would rather never see her friend again than see him in his current state.

Felix's usual expressive eyes now held an emotionless gaze that sent shivers down Vienna's spine. She didn't know how to feel seeing her friend unresponsive in his hospital room. Just days before, he was okay. He wasn't awake, but he was okay. Vienna could only imagine what had happened.

Vienna wished she could erase the heartbreaking image from her mind, yearning for the days when her Felix was vibrant and full of life. She had taken for granted all the days when Felix was an extraordinary presence in her life. The laughter, the shared secrets, and the simple joy of having him by her side felt like distant memories.

Regret and a deep sense of loss washed over Vienna as she watched him standing there, not a muscle in sight moved. Concern etched on her face, Vienna hesitated before softly asking, "Felix, what's going on?" She was worried as she waited for a response, hoping her best friend would break free from his trance.

In a dream-like haze, Felix remained unresponsive as Vienna waved her hand in front of his vacant eyes. A disconnecting stillness enveloped him as she called out for him once more. The silence in the hospital room only deepened the sense of foreboding, leaving Vienna in a state of helpless anticipation for an explanation that might never come.

Still, she couldn't give up—this was her best friend, and he wouldn't give up on her. Shaking his body in an attempt to awaken him, Felix vanished before her eyes. One moment he was there, and the next he was gone. Vienna was left in the bright white hospital room, alone and wondering what was happening.

The sudden disappearance of her friend added an eerie layer to the already unsettling situation, leaving Vienna in an empty hospital room. With confusion clouding her face, Vienna called out for her friend, but as she looked around the room, it swiftly changed. Instead of finding herself in Felix's hospital room, she stood in the grim reality of the arena.

Before her lay Treech, a clear distinction to the lively presence she saw the night before. The vivid spirit that had captivated her was replaced by a solemn figure, lying with Coral's trident protruding from his body. The fresh image in front of her sent a wave of shock and sorrow through Vienna as she let out a gut-wrenching scream to escape from her mouth.

Rushing to his side, she kneeled beside him, desperation in her eyes. "C'mon Treech, you promised me you'd get out alive. You promised you'd set me free," she pleaded, her voice echoing in the surreal arena.

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