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 FELIX'S FUNERAL WAS something Vienna dreaded attending; the mere thought of such a somber event felt bizarre

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FELIX'S FUNERAL WAS something Vienna dreaded attending; the mere thought of such a somber event felt bizarre. To make matters worse, Felix's parents decided to make the funeral the same afternoon that marked the end of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games.

Vienna had limited time to prepare herself mentally and physically for the emotional challenges that awaited her. Fortunately, in his difficult time, Lucky accompanied her to the funeral. His presence provided a source of support, a reassuring constant amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions.

The two arrived at the scene wearing their best black attire as a sign of respect. The funeral atmosphere hung heavy with grief, blending with the residual tension from the recently concluded Hunger Games.

Vienna, despite Lucky's comforting presence, felt a knot tighten in her stomach as she approached the somber gathering. Everyone gathered around her, their eyes filled with sorrow and pity. The air was heavy with grief and the weight of Felix's absence.

She couldn't help but feel a growing annoyance at the crowd that had gathered. The solemn occasion seemed tainted by people who showed up merely for appearances, many of whom didn't truly know Felix.

Amidst the solemn atmosphere, Felix's parents approached Vienna, their faces etched with grief. They sought solace in the presence of their son's friend.

"Vienna," Felix's mother began, her voice wavering with emotion. "Would you be willing to give a eulogy for Felix? We believe your words would honor him in a way that captures his spirit."

Vienna, though taken aback, nodded with a heavy heart, understanding the significance of their request. As she agreed, a mix of sorrow and gratitude enveloped her, making her realize the weight of the task that lay ahead.

Felix's parents walked away, leaving Vienna to prepare herself for the upcoming responsibility. She took a moment to gather her thoughts and emotions as she glanced around the gathering.

As the minutes ticked away before Vienna was scheduled to give the eulogy, she observed Festus approaching her and Lucky. There was a certain tension in the air, different from the usual banter that unfolded between Festus and Lucky.

Festus greeted them with a somber nod, and surprisingly, Lucky returned the gesture without his usual snarky undertone. Vienna couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in their dynamic.

"No snarky remark?" Festus inquired with a small smirk, a hint of mischief lingering in his eyes. The tension in the air seemed to dissipate momentarily, replaced by an unexpected exchange.

Lucky, however, didn't take the bait. Instead of the typical banter, he offered a measured response, "That would be inappropriate, Festus. This is a funeral." With that, Lucky excused himself, leaving Festus and Vienna alone amidst the heavy atmosphere of grief.

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