2: Nightmare of Parents & Fashion Show

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The encounter was so surreal. Did I really just meet Zayn Malik?!
I could feel my soul sparkling again and burning. Ah! How I missed this feeling, I felt like a teenage girl again.

It took me a bit to exit Centra Park and go all the way home. I was getting so many glares from people who passed me, I could almost read their minds: Who is that lunatic with a big smile but looking like she just rolled down the hill?!
I would say to myself, let them think whatever they want. I was happy.

As I was getting home, I knew I was in trouble, but I had to repeat to myself: Don't cause any drama Mia!
As I put the key in the keyhole, the door opened. As they were just waiting there for me. I tried not to roll my eyes as I saw the dissapointment in their faces.
Yes, 28 years old and still living with my parents. I hope the situation would change soon.

"Where have you been Mia?" My mom asked and she motioned for me to come in. It was past 8h30 now.
"I was at Layla's" I said.
"And she has some mud bath? Since when is she that rich?!" My dad said, mocking Layla's financial situation. Breath Mia. Ignore. Breath. I reminded myself. Layla was working in a night club downtown so obviously my parents hated her, let me quote them: that kind of people, which made me throw up almost. I ignored the mud bath comment.
"Anyways," My mom said. "Get yourself clean and avoid touching anything in this house. Carmen just cleaned the house yesterday." Carmen was our maid.
Yes, my parents had money, well they used to be the richest couple in all New York. Due to bad investments of my mom, not that she will ever admit it, they lost most of their money. For the past few years they've been covering that story by pretending life was still normal and they were rich. I could never agree with this but again, I wasn't the perfect daughter they wanted.
Now you might ask why I told Zayn a few hours ago about my job in the coffee place, well, because of this two humans standing in front of me or better, my dream destroyers.
The thing is: they always thought that my dream of opening my little bookshop/coffeeshop was stupid. I often was judged by them, most of the times they would ask me who would even go to places like that. Little did they know books and running into those million worlds, were the things that rescued me when I started in the public school on a young age.
I know I might sound a bit snob but: I had it all, private lessons at home and even when I spent the first years of school I was in a private school. I had to adapt but damn! It was the best adaption ever. I saw the real world, not the one painted in gold and green, not the one where money would get you any where. I was blessed to have gone there. I met my best friends for life there.
Yes, I was bullied but in a different way, I still prefer the public school bullying to the private one. You might ask if my parents cared about that? Not really, I don't blame them, even if I should. They were always too busy for their own child, always in and out of those glamorous events and charities. "Mia, we have to maintain our status. " my mom used to say.
In those moments I realized I could write my own story and not the one my parents wanted. I think I learned a lot since young not to depend on my parents for anything. It was when I told them about my dream and the way the acted towards it. It was the finally drop and for the past 6 years I've been working my butt off in the coffee shop, to chase my dream,I decided I didn't want their money. So for the past 6 years they are ashamed of me, as I don't maintain their status. I couldn't care less to be honest. I switched my emotions off when it came to them.

I came back to reality and walked to my bedroom. Before I could get to the hallway and into my room, my dad shouted.
"Mia, we have an event tonight. Be ready at 18h30!" He said.
"Sure!" I said and closed the door behind me, walkinto my room. I still had to maintain my happy family facade to the world.
Layla and Abby knew the real story. They were still friends with me, even if they knew my parents hated them. They could read my parents fakeness towards them. It happened a couple times that we thought they weren't at home or they were supposed to come later, they were just thereready to ruin a good day for me. On those days, you could see they were acting as if they were doing some charity work for the poor, little did they know those two girls were the best actresses I ever met. I was proud of both of them, we usually locked ourselve in my room and would laugh at the situation once my parents left the house. They could not deal with those people for long. It would drain their energy. We used to say this all the time and laugh so hard.

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