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This story is set in an imaginary world, and not related to real life. Any names, places, and events mentioned in this Story are purely coincidental and not intentional.


Six hundred years ago, The crimson red clouds enveloped the heavens, leaving the battlefield dyed blood. Faint yellow flakes of flame flew with the wind as camps and even cities burned.

No more clashing of swords were heard anymore, all of the troupes lay dead on the once grassland, but now is a horrifying scene of a tragically defeated kingdom.

At the Foot of Taira:A kingdom once prosperous and mighty, now fallen by the hands of The Lecharian Empire, Stands tall and brave is a Warlock named Kirria.

She unsheathed her crystallized sword tracing the blood of her deceased army. This was the very reason she was trusted to be the Queen; because the Tairan's knew she could win. She led this kingdom to victory more than she could count, And now,  as she stared into the eyes of Melina Godwin: the Queen of Lecharian Empire. She stopped her tears from falling.

“Yield.” Says Melina, her crimson hair waving with the wind. It seems that the two kingdoms were in a one-on-one battle now, no men were behind Melina, only the two of them. One Tairan, one Lecharian.

Kirria brushed her blonde hair nearly white. She didn't notice the blood on her hands and she smeared bloody red strokes on her hair. She stared at Melina once again, and gripped on the hilt of her sword.

“Don't even try Kirria, without your men, what could you possibly do to defeat me?” She swung her long sword behind the back of her hand. “Your magic only works with the help of others… I can see that you're drained.”

Melina puffed a laugh and stood tall. “Come on… stop wasting our precious time.”

Kirria did not respond. She stared at the ground again and whispered. “I'm sorry.”

She faced Melina. “You may be strong, and full of magic…” she raised both her arms, grabbing her blade. “... But you're not smart enough” 

SNAP! She had snapped her blade in two and a Sharp ray of light emerged! Just then, three women were summoned, standing beside Kirria.

One was a young, green clad with her armor shining like emeralds, her hair white and her sword wide with fangs like fishbone.

The second woman was dressed in violet, her hair brown and wielded a pair of sharp war fans.

The third woman, has the most detailed and most jewels embedded on her armor, she wields a bow.

“NOW!” Kirria screamed. And all four of them formed into a triangle and stretched their arms towards Melina.

Kirria’s eyes glowed and her palm lit up. “FREEZE!” and a quick trail of sharp crystals launched into Melina caging her legs and both her arms. Everything happened so quickly that she was too stunned to even spurt a word! Just as her eyes moved to see her bound arms and legs she sensed something above her head! A shadow! No, It's Kirria! She held her sword tight and she is  now falling straight to Melina.

“This ends now, Dark Queen.” In a blink of an eye, Kirria's sword struck.


Hello!!! This is IchzL Rae, I'm writing my first book here... Btw congrats on getting to the bottom of the prologue LOL. (Hope I see you to the next chapter💜)

May our adventure start here and may you walk with me till the end of this story <3

Thanks so much for reading! Please do support me, I love yahh!!

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