9 | Resuscitating A Hope

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"1.. 2.. 3.."

White light casts around the corner of the room, piercing right through a pair of eyes. A body occupies the only bed in the particular room, unmoved. The serene feeling that lingers around the surrounding provides an uneasy feeling that is extremely haunting. A voice calls out to reach the other empty side of the corner, as it only echoes back when it bounces over the wall, ringing in ears relentlessly, messing with every internal noise that comes within the head.

The feeling of being touched, a contact with another human being in some sort of way seems way too foreign, yet so desperately wanting to be grasped. Human connections. The sense of belonging towards someone, a little touch and a connection. It is way too far from the heart, a wall that was built so high no one could reach. A sense of tingling insecurity, laced with an extreme fear that could not diminish itself away.

Finding a way towards solace that is unreachable.

"3.. 2.. 1.."

A sense of belonging. Belonging. Belonging.

Human connections. Human touch. Human. Human.

One touch piercing through skin as it burns deep inside, the unrestrained pain torturing the existence. A cut that burns so deep it could not be erased away with a thin strands of hope that coils around a root that intertwines so deeply into the earth. No escape. No saviour. The same thing keeps on repeating, screaming into the head, destroying the walls built within hearts. Boundaries were no longer found, crumbling down into ashes as the fire burned through.

No escape. No escape. No escape.

Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop.

A cure, please.. the cure..


Saera's body jerks upward, her arms fly in the air as the breeze hits her face. Her body shakes violently against the bed where her legs are strapped down, preventing every possible movement. The strap between her legs cuts her skin as she shakes, each second with increasing pressure and friction between her legs that it starts to turn into reddish blisters. Her iris shoots up, only the white of her eyeballs are visible when they flip her over, trying to force her to wake up. The intensity of her body vibrates increasing beyond normal as she is still unable to wake up, shaking vigorously against the strap as white bubbles start forming around her mouth, which eventually drip down her chin.

"She's having seizures!" A nurse exclaims before she reaches the button across the wall to call for help. Other nurses in the room move around the bed as they keep their eyes on the countless monitors around Saera. Her body still shakes violently as more white bubbles forming in her mouth, pouring out between her lips.

"Flatline! We're losing her, President!"

Seonghwa runs through the empty hallway heading towards the entrance of the room Saera is currently in. His face drenched with sweat as he moves to take the paddles of the defibrillator that's already in the hand of a nurse as they are tearing off the top from Saera's body. The defibrillator hums to life, emitting an ominous electric whirr. He takes a quick glance at the flatline on the ECG monitor, determination etched across his face as his own heartbeat increases.

"On my count, 1.. 2..3.. Clear!"

Waves of electrified shock run through her body as the paddle makes contact with her chest, making it convulse for an instant. Holding his breath, his eyes are locked on the monitor, searching for a pulse. Saera remains silent, her body isn't moving as her pulse rate is still unreadable. Her body remains unresponsive as Seonghwa barks towards the nurses around him, a sudden panic surge through his chest.

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