Chapter 10 - Airbending

Start from the beginning

"We are closed." She shut the door.

"Time for plan b." Leyu said.

"Plan b?" Leyu grabbed her hand and they ran to the back of the house.

"This is the window to their room."

"Leyu, first of all you can't just enter people's houses. Second of all it's getting dark we should go back." Omni said.

Leyu looked through the window. No one was inside.

Leyu thought for a second.

"I got it! They play in a local music group! They are probably preforming!" Leyu walked forward. "Follow me."

They came to an open place in town where a group of about 5 people were playing music.

"Look I see Meng and Mi!" Omni pointed.

Meng was hitting a tambourine while Mi was playing a large stringed instrument.

Probably a cello.

There were also people playing the flute, sungi horn and violin.

"It's sounds so good." Omni said.

"Yeah, they've been playing since they were little." Leyu responded.

"I didn't know that it took years of practice to play a tambourine though." Omni scratched her head.

"Meng plays other drum-like instruments too." Leyu said.

"Oh I get it."

It was now dark outside and the street lamps were lit.

They played a final song and began packing up.

Mi put her cello into a case and wore it like a backpack.

"Nice playing." Leyu said.

"Thanks! Why are you here so late?" Meng asked.

"Omnis gonna show you her airbending." Leyu said.

"Okay. We'll meet with you at the tall tree that Omni fell from." Mi said.

"How do you know?" Omni glanced a Leyu.

"Banai told me. Anyway see you later." They waved and walked towards their shop.

"How do Banai and Mi know eachother?" Omni asked.

"They are all in a clique kinda they get dinner together sometimes and stuff." Leyu said.

"Why don't you ever go with them?" Omni looked at her.

"I do sometimes but other than that it's full service for the masters." Leyu sighed.

"Let's go get Banai and Filo." They went to a small house and knocked on the door. Banai answered.

"Oh hey guys. What's up?"

"We are all going to the forest to see Omnis airbending!" Leyu said.

"I would if I could but i have school tomorrow and my dad will freak if I'm late again." Banai said.

"Okay then." Leyu waved and walked away.

"It's so cool it's like you guys are all secret hero's that have normal lives." Omni said.

"I know. It's pretty great!" Leyu said.

They then walked to a large house. It looked very important.

Follow me.

They went to the back of the house and climbed in through a window.

"What are you guys doing here?" Filo asked. He was sitting at a small desk writing.

"We are going to the forest. No questions. Just come on!" Leyu said.

Filo grabbed his axes from a drawer in his desk.

They all walked to the forest where Meng and Mi were already there waiting.

"Took you long enough." Meng sighed.

Leyu chuckled.

"So are we gonna watch Omni airbend now?" Mi asked.

"Oh yeah i lied we are going on a mission." Leyu said.

"What." Omni fumed.

"Guys wait I'm coming too!"

They turned to see Banai running towards them.

"So you decided to show up huh?" Leyu said.

"Yep." Banai scratched his shoulder.

"Back to the plan. So when Filo and Banai burned that camp they brought back these papers." Leyu held out the paper to read.

They all crowded around it.

In 4 days at dawn we will attack the western air temple. Wipe atleast all the airbenders out. They are too powerful.

"That's awful!" Mi gasped.

"That's why we're going to stop it." Leyu said.

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