Chapter 20

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I creep back into my dorm and almost scream when I see Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Mary sitting on their beds staring at the door.

"Where have you been?!" Lily scolds jumping off her bed and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug that almost suffocates me,

"It doesn't matter Mum,"  I say teasingly since Lily has been and always will be the Mum friend of the group. That's why you're doing this so she can be a mother, I think, and squirm out of her death grip.

"What happened to your ankle!?" Lily screams when I pull back and she gets the chance to look over me, I wince slightly at her loud tone right in my ear. I bring my hands over my ears dramatically,

"Are you trying to make me deaf?" I tease and all but shrink under the look she's giving me, I think I'd rather fight Walburga again.

"Natalia Rose Gyrffindor. Sit down now." Lily says sternly and I look to the other and I can tell they either agree with Lily or are too scared of her like this and I can't blame them. I walk over to my bed and ignore the pain in my ankle as I walk normally to my bed and sit down on the edge of my bed.

"Lily I just want sleep I'm fine really," I try reasoning with but Lily completely ingore most of what I say,

"Fine?! Fine?! Your ankle is swelling up and looks purple!" Lily yells making the other girl stare at my ankle. I sigh I really didn't want to use this spell Mione and I found while on the run cause it hurts like a bitch,

"Here Sanaonimí," I say holding my hand over my ankle, and have to focus hard as to not scream at the pain that shoots up my ankle. CRACK. SNAP. I hear and wince at the sound, I look at my ankle and it now looks normal,

"What did you just do?!" Marlene screams at me looking green around the edges at the sound, looking at Alice, and Mary they have the say horrified green-looking faces but Lily only looks a little pale and it takes everything to not smile at her softly because Sirius told Harry about her wanting to be a healer at St Mungo's.

"Definitely didn't do a spell that heals most injuries and it definitely doesn't hurt like a bitch," I say gritting my teeth, "Godric this is almost as bad as the Cruciatus Curse" I mumble so quietly none of the girls hear but if the marauders were here their animagus and werewolf hearing would have called me out. The girls go off at me for a good half an hour for not just going to see Madam Pomfrey, where I was, and in all honestly, I realised I should have gone to Madam Pomfrey the Marauders would have been there and maybe Remus would have told me. Oh well just get hurt again, a small part of my brain whispers but I ignore it. After a while the girls cave and all swarm me in a hug telling me not to scare them again and to get some sleep. After what feels like 5 minutes Mary and Lily literally have to drag me out of bed and dump me in the bathroom with my school clothes so I get ready. Once we are done getting ready we start heading towards the Hall for breakfast then it hits me like a truck Remus will be in the Hospital Wing with the rest of the Marauders and Snape. I tell the girls I heard someone we passed saying that the marauders are in the Hospital Wing and that I'm going to go check on them. Lily and Mary tell me to tell Peter and Remus to get better soon and I can't blame them for not wanting to say anything to Sirius and James. I run from near the Hall all the way to the Hospital Wing and stop outside the doors to catch my breath when I hear Remus, Peter, and James yelling at Sirius. I place my ear against the door,

"Sirius that was so stupid!"

"I could have killed him! YOU KNOW I ALREADY FEEL LIKE A MONSTER!"

"Any of could have gotten seriously injured fighting Moony while he was trying to get to Snape!"




"HOW DIDN'T YOU SEE HER FACE?!" I slowly piece last night together, Snape must have been sticking his nose around and Sirius told Snape to go to the willow to teach him a lesson as a prank, while Remus was Moony. My anger bubbles to an all-time high and now I know why I didn't know anything about last night because why would Sirius retell this? I force myself to calm down hiding my anger and push open the door to the Hospital Wing. James is in a hospital bed and so is Remus because I didn't have time to finish healing him before fucking Black saw me, Sirius is standing in the middle of the room while Peter is sitting on a chair near James' bed. When they all hear the door open they stop arguing abruptly and pale slightly but I ignore their looks and walk straight over to Remus' bed and give him a soft hug,

"I heard someone in the corridors say you guys were in the Hospital Wing what happened?" I ask acting dumb pretending I don't know what happened last night and definitely don't know what's going on with Sirius. Remus immediately hugs me back like it's the last time he'll hug me,

"How much did you hear?" He asks cautiously not releasing me,

"Hear what? I just ran from the hall then came here and opened the door," I say that even I had to do a double take in my head because I genuinely thought I was telling the truth. I frown while nobody can see my face it hurts I can lie so well that even I, myself who was telling the lies had to do a double take.

"Like you heard nothing?" James questions and I pull out of Remus' hug and give James a quick hug he doesn't have to know it's a thankful hug for taking Snape out of there last night,

"I heard you yell something right before I came in but I didn't actually hear the words," I tell him but I now frown, "Wait why were you guys yelling?" I ask and both James and Remus glare at Sirius who is standing awkwardly in the middle of the room and Peter just looks out the window I know he will side with James and Remus because he knows Sirius was wrong.

"Sirius was reckless and played an extremely dangerous prank that could have someone killed," Remus says and I can hear the soft angry growl in his voice that would normally be unnoticeable. I turn to look at Sirus wide-eyed like knew but I didn't realise how mostly truthful the boys would be,

"You-u did what?" I say letting my voice crack and look at Sirius like he betrayed me. Sirius looks at me completely broken,

"Nat,  come one please I didn-"

"DON'T TALK TO HER!" Remus screams at Sirius making me look at him shocked, he gets out of the hospital bed, walks over to me, and starts dragging me towards the door as I look up at him confused, "I want to process this without you guys leave me alone until I talk to you," He grits and walks out of the hospital wing slamming the door behind us and I jump slightly at the loud noise and suppress the flashes of Hogwarts in ruins around me. Once the door closes behind us he stops walking and looks at me with the most heartbroken expression and I don't know what's worse how he looked last night or now. "C-can I have a hug?" He asks so softly my heart shatters,

"Of course Remmy," I say softly and wrap my arms around his torso and he does the same and buries his head in my shoulder,

"I can't believe he did that," He whispers into my shoulder and I try to not shiver at the feeling of his breath on me. My breath hitches when I feel tears seep through my white shirt,

"Me too Remmy, me too" I mumble and he will never know who true that is, I know two Sirius' and it felt like I just got stabbed by both.


A/N the way I broke my own heart writing this chapter I completely forgot about the prank😭😭😭😭💔 I know the timeline is screwed up so disregard the time I have previously said.


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