Chapter 18

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"I am so done with life!" I grumble flopping face down onto one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room. I hear the marauders laughing behind me, I bring my hand up and flip them off making them laugh more.

"Poor Nat, what's wrong?" Sirius teases, I roll over and flop off the couch,

"Lilllyyyyy is dragging me to the library to studyyy for OWLLLLSS!" I whine and sit up leaning my head on the couch while sitting on the floor,

"Aw Lia it's not that bad," Remus says softly sitting down beside me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"It'sss borrinngggg" I whine pouting up at Remus before giving puppy eyes to James, "Can you go for me tomorrow instead?" I ask and watch James' face light up with a bright smile, 

"Wait seriously?!" James all but squeals looking at me excited,

"What have you done Artemis?" Peter groans along with Sirius and Remus knowing James won't stop talking about it when he gets back. Their annoyed groans made me laugh,

"Enjoy suffering I'm ditching you!" I say and duck out from under Remus' arm and pretty much sprint away from them laughing.

"GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!" Sirius and Peter yell after me as I'm running up to the girls' dorm room,



Time skip start of June 1976

"Remmy go back to bed," I tell Remus as he barely pokes his food, dark circles under his eyes, I can't believe I used to like full moons, I think

"I'm fine Lia really," Remus reassures me but he's not, I scoff and the rest of the marauders sit down around us, I pay them no mind at the moment.

"Remus. John. Lupin. Go. To. Bed." I demand glaring at him and he visibly shrinks under my gaze. In the corner of my eyes, I see the other marauders doing the same even though I'm not even looking at them,

"I'm fine Lia," He mumbles looking at the table,

"I don't understand why you get sick every month," I grumble looking at my hands folded in my lap when I see all four boys' gazes snap towards me worriedly, I know I just want you to admit it, I think,

"It's just umm...bad luck" Peter answers for Remus, I look up at the boys as they try to hide their worried looks. I internally roll my eyes shocked nobody else figured it out while they were at school in my old timeline. 

"Yeah, bad luck," I mumble before standing up and giving Remus a quick hug before going and sitting down with the girls with a small frown on my face. I'm stuck in my thoughts and planning on how to get Remus to tell me he's a werewolf when I feel a hard kick to my shin,

"OW YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" I scream and bring my leg up only to bang it on the underside of the table, "FUCK AGAIN!?" I yell and fall backward off my chair, "You know what I'm just going to stay here" I say to no one in particular staring at the ceiling, when I see Lily's red hair and green eyes looking down at me concerned.

"Are you ok Talia?" Lily asks her hair falling around her face as she looks down at me,

"Yeah, who and why was I kicked in the shin?" I ask not planning on moving,

"Marls did you were in your own world looking worried," Lily explains and I roll my eyes,

"I was fine just in deep thinking," I shrug and hold my arm up waiting for Lily to pull me up. She suppresses a laugh as she reaches out to my hand and pulls me back on the chair. Marlene is absolutely laughing her head off while leaning on Mary who is trying not to laugh as well.  "Yeah yeah, you're sooooo funny," I say sarcastically making Mary break and start laughing with Marlene. Alice and Lily are looking at me with amused smiles, I stick my tongue out at them causing them to start laughing as well. I hesitantly walked to DADA with the girls once they told me we were doing patronus'. Walking into the room I let out a breath when I saw Umbitch isn't here yet, I looked in the class and saw all of the marauders sitting together on a bench. Remus looks very pale and tired and I frown worriedly, I sit in between Marlene and Mary, and Alice and Lily sit in the seat in front of us. I bug Marlene until she gets out parchment, ink, and quill so she can take notes. The second Umbitch walks into the classroom her eyes narrow in on me instantly,

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