With a deep breath, he turned and headed back upstairs, the glass of water in his hand almost forgotten. As he entered Mary's room, he found her still engrossed in her medical books, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Hey," Jackson greeted softly, not wanting to startle her.

Mary looked up, her expression brightening at the sight of him. "Hey, you got your water. Everything okay downstairs?"

Jackson couldn't help but chuckle, a mix of amusement and disbelief in his tone. "Well, I walked into a bit of an ambush. Your brothers gave me 'the talk'."

Mary's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and then she burst into laughter, a sound that filled the room with warmth. "Oh no, the Shepherd brother talk? I'm sorry, I should have warned you."

Jackson sat down beside her, setting the glass on the bedside table. "It was... intense. They made it very clear how much they care about you and what they expect from anyone who's dating you."

Mary's smile softened, and she reached out to gently squeeze his hand. "I know they can be a bit much, but they've always been protective of me, especially after everything we went through as a family. They just want to make sure I'm with someone who truly cares."

Jackson nodded, his expression turning serious. "I understand where they're coming from. I told them I care about you a lot and that I would never do anything to hurt you."

Mary's eyes met his, a depth of emotion swirling in them. "I know you wouldn't, Jackson. And I care about you, too. We're still figuring things out, but I'm glad you're here."

They sat in silence for a moment. Then, Mary, with a mischievous glint in her eye, said, "So, did they do the whole 'we're watching you' pitch?"

Jackson laughed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Oh, absolutely. Mark even patted me on the shoulder like a mafia boss."

Mary giggled, imagining the scene. "That sounds like Mark. But you know, they're just big teddy bears at heart. They've had to be tough for so long, ever since our parents... but they care deeply."

"I can tell," Jackson agreed. "It's clear how much they love and respect you. It's really admirable, the bond you all share."

Mary nodded, a fond look crossing her face. "They've been my rock since I was a kid. After mom and dad passed, they stepped up in ways I can't even begin to describe. They made sure I never felt alone. I never felt like I missed out on anything."

Jackson squeezed her hand in understanding. Changing the subject, he asked, "So, how's your latest surgical rotation going? Any interesting cases?"

Mary welcomed the shift to a lighter topic. She began to describe a complex case she was involved in, detailing the challenges and her approach to solving them. Jackson listened intently, his eyes lighting up at the medical details. Eventually, the conversation drifted to their personal lives. The more they talked, the more they discovered about each other.

As the night wore on, their conversation began to wind down. Yawns punctuated their words, and the weight of a long day started to press down on them. Jackson looked at Mary, her eyes tired but still shining with that indefatigable spirit that had first drawn him to her.

"I should probably head to bed," Jackson said reluctantly, not wanting the night to end but knowing they both needed rest.

Mary nodded, a hint of reluctance in her own voice. "Yeah, it's been a long day. Thank you for being here, Jackson. And for dealing with my overprotective brothers."

Jackson stood up, a warm smile on his face. "Anytime."

Mary watched him leave, a contented smile on her lips. She felt lucky, not just for the family she had but for the new connection she was building with Jackson.

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