[BO/SttS 📝] questions my beloved

Start from the beginning

- uncomfortable. this is still the same guy that made his friend unable to sleep for awhile (sometimes even now), so he'll likely to move away immediately.
Balance picks up on it fairly quickly and stopped touching him without permission.

How would he react from physical affection from all Balancers?

- a gud few of the Balancers already gives Lava physical affection when they started to get used to him (rubbing their head against him like a cat, patting him on the head, laying their head on his shoulder). so for the most part he has gotten used to it.
at first he was kinda confused by it but he learns fairly quickly that that's just how they show affection to beings weaker then them.

- they're still animalistic after all.

How would Box react to Lava giving the Balancers physical affection?

- again, like mentioned before, Lava doesn't physically touch them that much. he only does so when they do so.
Box was definitely worried when it first happened but that worry went unfounded really quickly.

How would he react if Lava was give physical affection?

- he's worried (he'll always be so) that they'll hurt him but he slowly gets used to it. he finds it kinda cute actually.
(Balance did the same with him when they were friends, after all.)

If Lava ever got sick-(not sure if he can even with the avatar but maybe his main body can and he's just playing while he's sick-) how would the Balancers react to that and what would they do?

- Avatars often reflect what their Players are feeling onto itself, so if you're sick your Avatar would try and reflect that (albeit with difficulty because they don't know what it's like, and it's physically impossible for them). so yes, the Balancers would notice slowly that something is wrong.

- the funny thing about Balancers is that they don't get sick usually, their immune system is jacked up af. so whenever they do get sick it's often a Big Thing. so when one of them get sick, specifically the mf that has been the handler/child of the group, they're gonna make sure he fuckin' survives lmao.

- unfortunately none of them know that doing anything to help to his Avatar will not affect the Player behind it. so for the most part they'll kinda be more protective then usual and won't let him leave their sight, doing anything they know that helps with sickness.

If the Steve find out about Lava how would they feel about the possessiveness of the Balancers?

- scared. they r so scared of him. if this man somehow managed to have THE Balancers under his control, what the fuck can he do to them?
the only steves that aren't really scared of him and more scared for him are the Yellow Steves. the Yellow Leader used to have history with Balance after all.

What would the Balancers do if Lava was sad?

- try to cheer him up. they're not really gud at emotions and things like that so.. uhh threating to kill whatever is bothering him is to be expected xD
gifts and physical affection are also to be expected.

What would Lava do if the Balancers were sad?

- with some suggestions from Box, gifts and pats baby wooo!! he doesn't know what Balancers in general like so he often gives stuff he thinks each one would like, or what he picked up on.
Box keeps track of what the Balancers are like so Lava often asks him for help lolz

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