Running through the slippery and abandoned streets they tried to find shelter, the beautiful city of Tundratown had become a terrifying landscape, the lights flickered, the cold blizzard embraced them and the rain did not allow them to see clearly.

Clinging to Joshua's hand, Jeonghan showed him where to go, letting himself be guided by his instincts and the knowledge he acquired from him when he was a boy scout allowed him to guide himself in that gloomy environment.

Upon reaching the Tundratown viewpoint, watching as Bumzu was almost on their heels, they did not hesitate to get into the cable car cabin that connected that area with the outskirts of the city, sighing calmly when they were far enough away from there.

"Thank you." Joshua said softly, watching how their hands continued to join together.

Jeonghan clumsily tried to separate himself from the bunny, but this time it was the officer who held his hand.

"Don't thank me, I knew something wasn't right, anyone would do what I did, it wasn't anything out of this world." Jeonghan shrugged it off as his free hand ran through his damp reddish hair.

The one with feline eyes denied a couple of times before letting go of Jeonghan's hand, the one that in the midst of the storm gave him the warmth necessary to feel safe.

Joshua held the fox hybrid's delicate face with both hands, appreciating each feature of it from the lazy eyes that looked at him as if they knew everything about himself, his delicate nose, his thin, pink lips, all of which gave the redhead an angelic appearance.

He had been wrong to judge Jeonghan just by his species.

"Isn't something that anyone would do, Hannie." That nickname caused the fox's ears to relax, turning to look directly into the gray-haired hybrid's doe eyes.

"Anyone in your place would have preferred to run and leave me behind rather than take me by the hand and run away together." He clarified, caressing the smooth cheeks of the older who looked like a tender kitten about to purr.

"It's not important at all what I did, you know, when I was a kid I wanted to be an explorer, I saw the ads and I saw the kids in my neighborhood, I wanted to be part of them, I wanted to be part of a group. My mother spent all her savings to buy me the damn uniform and the tuition, we were not rich but the fact that she did everything to see me smile while wearing that silly uniform made her happy and I was willing to make her proud, I studied everything a explorer should know, the group meetings went well, I could even say that I made some friends." Jeonghan began to tell, looking intently at the officer, trying to calm down as he perceived how some furtive crystals adorned his cheeks, which the rabbit hybrid had not left at any time to caress the fox's cheeks.

The hybrid fox couldn't believe that he was just showing the most vulnerable side of himself to Joshua, the fluffy and naive parking meter officer Hong.

"The quarterly meeting arrived, and unlike the other times, we met in the basement of the leader's house, everything was dark, Joshua couldn't see anything, nothing, they illuminated my face with flashlights as if I were some kind of criminal, They called me savage, a thief, deluded for believing that I was going to fit into a group, they told me that I would never stop being what I was, a treacherous fox. They put a muzzle on me, I could barely breathe, I was so cowardly that I couldn't defend myself Shuji, I had let myself be consumed by fear, I ran out and couldn't stop crying, I heard their mockery, on top of that the damn muzzle didn't know how to remove it, that's when I realized that in this damn society they would never see you beyond your species, for everyone I would be a treacherous fox."

The bad qualities of a person did not arise alone, bad people did not happen alone, there was always something beyond and sadly Hong Jisoo realized that not early enough, now thanks to Jeonghan he could see the world beyond white and black, each one had an explosion of colors but unfortunately in the world of justice everything was monochromatic.

"You were a child, a child who went through something horrible, a child who despite everything was very brave, and still is, you are not a treacherous fox Jeonghan." The one with gray hair stated making a small smile emerge on the lips of the eldest.

"Today you showed me that you are much more than what they say about you, and there will surely be a position in the Zootopia police waiting for you, we need someone like you."

"Like me?" The fox asked in a flirtatious way, revealing his sly smile which made the minor blush.

"Cunning, brave and above all loyal, someone trustworthy." In a whisper the rabbit hybrid revealed, not realizing the moment in which Jeonghan's tail surrounded his waist just as it did half an hour ago and his foreheads were almost joined together as his breaths mixed.

Joshua delicately cleaned the crystals that still decorated the beautiful face of the man in front of him, giving him a small smile before gathering up the courage and kissing one of the fox's cheeks.

That fleeting touch was as delicate, as sweet, as compressing as Hong Jisoo himself. Enthralled by the tender gesture, Jeonghan wrapped his arms around the thin figure of the officer, getting intoxicated with the minor's perfume. Being embraced was true peace no matter the chaotic landscape that surrounded them, being with Joshua returned that feeling of security, that feeling that reminded him of home.

Officer Hong's gaze was lost in the horizon, laughing gently as he observed how the sun rose again, and how with that the landscape of Tundratown took on a magical appearance, enchanting him with that image.

Jeonghan's eyes, for his part, had not stopped looking at the curious landscape next to him, which was a beautiful work of art that he now took the time to appreciate, smiling tenderly as he saw how Joshua was looking for figures in the clouds, perhaps It was time to see the good side of things and who knows if he would become worthy of freely appreciating that not so unattainable dream that timidly held one of Jisoo's hands.

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