Chapter 3

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Updated 10.29.17

~I just want to be little old me

It was like I was experiencing a severe case of deja vu. Everything was the same as it was the day before. Get up, postpone getting ready for school, and then catching the bus at the very last moment. My eyes went to the clock of the wall and then back towards the window.

 Deja vu was something I did not want at this school. If I ruined one more sweater and embarrassed myself again I am almost positive that any dignity I had left would disappear.

"Hey, Aerizona, did you hear me?"

A voice called from down the hall; most likely Amir. My caretaker since I could remember and at the moment - the guy who refused to let me stay home from school. Even after coming home with my ruined sweater Amir saw this school as a new opportunity for me. Then again, he said that about every school I have ever gone too. Though he still was slightly annoyed I had allowed myself to wear someone else's clothing.


"Okay! I'm going to the bus." Faint sighs escaped my lips and I make my way outside. Amir was standing at the door which was unusual. My bag slung down slightly and puzzlement flashed across my face.

 "Hey, Amir, I don't think I can catch the bus with you in the way."

Amir crossed his arms and pointed outside the door. The bus was pulling off our road and leaving me far in the dust. Well, I managed to miss the bus even without trying and now I could see the gears spinning to action in Amir's head.

"You missed the bus."

"Well, I was getting ready and thinking over my personality for the next few months." My voice shook slightly. It was never good to see Amir upset these days. It meant something was wrong and that was never good.

 Every time something went wrong it resulted in moving to another town and starting off as someone new. Honestly, all I wanted to do was settle down in a town and start a life. Sure, it would be a life with a fake name and fake personality but it would still be a life.

"You missed the bus. I'm tired of you missing the bus so now you have to find your own way to school." Well, that was new. Never was I allowed to go anywhere by myself and now I have to find my own way to school?

"What? Using what? You have stalled on me getting a license since I turned sixteen! " A smirk formed across his lips and he walked away from the door. Typical. It was up to me to figure it out. Maybe this was his way of saying I was gaining weight and needed exercise.

 My eyes scanned down my body and I let out a small sigh. In this wardrobe, you could easily tell that I was in shape. That was the persona for this disguise; sassy attitude, tight clothing, and pretending to be nothing more than a stuck up teenager.

My eyes narrowed and I walked through the front door and looked around. The school was about twelve blocks away and I had twenty minutes to get there. Meaning I had to be the fastest person on earth to even make it on time. Good morning to Aerizona.


My breath was ragged by the time I made it to the school and the makeup I wore felt sticky to my face. Students were already in class and the patio was silent as I walked closer to my class. With the silence, fear started to creep into my bones. I was going have to walk into that classroom and all eyes would land on me.

Movement caught my eyes and I saw the boy from yesterday walking towards the building. His hair was a mess and sweat dripped down from his hair. Apparently, I wasn't the only one to be late. My body relaxed a bit and I made my way towards him. Seconds before reaching him, he turned and went into the class he was late for. Sighing, I continued to go to the class I was already late for.

The black shirt was in my hands as I walked swiftly to class. Being late was bad enough, but I did not want to be too late. I needed to attempt to look like I cared about being late to class.

Like expected all eyes went towards me but not for long when I entered the room. Mr. Knight had made it clear to not stare and everyone went back to work like nothing happened. 

Just like it should be because nothing did happen except I was the new kid and it was my second day at the school. I was late, so what? Every now and then someone was late, it was like a high school tradition.

"Today class we are going to talk about poetry. Poetry is like a door to another world of writing. In poetry, you can write whatever you want and it always holds meaning. Even if it does not make sense, poetry is a way to let emotions flow. There are many ways to write poetry as well-"

My mind was in another place when the bell broke the silence in the room. Jumping in my chair, I grabbed my bag and stood up to leave. Hour one of the day had dragged on and all I wanted was to get back home. As I made my way out the door, Mr. Knight handed everyone a paper.

"Remember class, writing is a way to let your emotions out of the box. Let your emotions flow into your writing. Also, do not forget to do your homework!"

The rest of the day seemed to drag on but once again I found the longest part of the day had to be lunch. Every table was taken except a few outside away from everyone. A relief for me, but with so much attention being directed towards me, peace was going to be hard to gain. 

At least today my food was staying on my plate and away from my clothes. Deja vu would be a horrible way to try and recover from yesterday's failure.

My feet walked steadily as I made my way to one of the lonely tables. My eyes watching everyone to make sure no stray chair legs would trip me once again. Setting my tray down, I looked around and finally relaxed a bit. So far everyone had better things to do than pay attention to the new girl.

 In all honesty, I don't even know why I found their curious eyes bothered me so much.

The boy from yesterday appeared much like yesterday and sat beside me. His eyes scanning me for a reaction but I have none to give him. Ha, yeah right buddy. I don't express shock or anything. Don't expect a conversation from me. Silence filled the air and much like I had expected he broke it.

"Listen about yesterday, I wasn't expecting whatever you thought I was." His eyes practically drilled through my head and I could feel myself breaking. All I wanted to do was to introduce myself and make a friend, but it was impossible. I didn't even know who I was myself but that was something I had to deal with myself.

"Really? You expect me to believe that you are just a helpful citizen unlike everyone else in this school?" My voice was sharp with sarcasm. The boy's head tilted to the head slightly as he watched me closely. "Oh, here." Looking down at my bag, I pulled out the shirt that he loaned me yesterday.

"Well yes, I was." His eyes glinted with amusement. He was enjoying this. Figures, he was like them just more confident than the others.

My jaw clenched and I looked at him carefully. I was not going to satisfy him by answering.

"My name is Zero Kirten." The boy stood up, taking the shirt from my hands. 

I looked at him closely as he stood up. I had returned his shirt and now I was hoping he would leave me alone. Instead, he looked like he was waiting to learn my name first. Groaning, I rolled my eyes and reluctantly spoke.

"My name is Aeizona Bess." The boy smiled, or Zero as he said he name was, and then turned away and walked away. I watched as he went, then went back to the food on my plate. One thought remained though.

Who the hell names their child Zero?

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