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This story is a work in progress. The cover will be updated soon and hopefully, this story will go the way I hope it does. This has been a childhood story I've been wanting to write for years. Now, I believe it is time to actually put it together. I hope you enjoy

Edited 10.29.17!

Royal In Hiding


"Protect the girl!"

Flames engulfed the walls of every home as the tiny island of Erus Isles was under sudden attack. Without warning, hell had come to Earth's surface as every corner of this tiny island was seized by the flames.

Guards were running through the streets, their only goal was getting to the middle of the island. There stood the castle in which the royal family of the Anastacia Monarch lived. The fear of the death of the monarch was enough to risk the lives of every citizen on the island. Of course, the monarchy would have the heads of every guard if they knew what was being sacrificed in their names. 

"Protect the girl!"

Once again, these words were spread across the island in a manner so intense that anyone failing to hear them was certainly deaf. Hope had left the hearts of every townspeople as the flames continued to spread. Water was not able to put out the flames and the continuance of the flames grew more and more with every second. 

The terror brought to this tiny, almost forgotten island was due to a jealous member of the old monarchy. The Xavier Monarchy was put to rest nearly fifteen years ago, but one member still yearned for the crown. 

As terror continued to elope the island, a sliver of hope was put upon the survival of one child. The child, a secret to the rest of the world, was the pride and joy of the small island. Erus Isles thrived on the birth of this young child who knew not of the horrible evils of the world. 

"Protect the girl!"

The name of this child, never spoken aloud in the public, was the biggest concern now. The island would soon see its end, but the child could one day bring it back to the once thriving community. 

Guards who survived the flames made their way to the royal chambers. Still untouched by the flames, yet the royal family was not in sight. Instead, a crib sat in the middle of the room with a single note. Directions on how to protect the small child that laid inside. 

The small bundle was sound asleep and unaware of the horrors unraveling around her. The walls were now slowly catching flames and the guards had to act fast. 

Enemy lines were getting worse as a man stood at the head of the disaster. Words could not describe this man, and every guard knew they stood no chances. The man went to the castle doors and simply knocked.

"Enemies are at the door!" The words fell out of one of the newer guard's mouth. Only the second day on the job and disaster had swamped him. Carefully, another guard lifted the girl and quickly made it out of the smoke-filled castle. Every man that worked so hard to protect that child went out to distract the enemies. Flames now trailed down the hallway blocking the path from everyone else. 

Fear of no escape now crossed through all the guards' minds; the precious bundle might not survive. If she did not survive, all of the hard work would be a waste of time. The man watched through the flames as the guard with the child took off into the night.

"Get to the boats! If she she must survive!" A child new to the world. Important to many souls without even knowing it. Her world falling apart all in a night.

The enemy was close behind but with a small shake of the man's head, they all came to a stop. "Don't worry boys. There will be other times."

Royal in HidingWhere stories live. Discover now