Chapter 1

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 UPDATED 10/29/17

17 Years Later

I don't wanna be hurt~

"Hurry up or you're going to be late!"

The bus was already slowly going down my road. If I left now I could easily make it to the bus, but if I stalled I wouldn't have to suffer through another first day. Just skip one day and then what? Tomorrow would come and missing the bus wouldn't work. My mind debated, telling me what could happen if I missed that bus. Most likely yelling; I always got yelled at these days. Everything I did resulted in some type of yelling. I missed the days when I was never yelled at but all good things come to an end.

"Don't you dare miss that bus!"

My ears twitched at the sudden sound and I quickly grabbed my bag from the table. The bus was now slowly edging down the road and I bolted out the front door. Feet pounding on concrete, my hands immediately went up in the air and waved like ribbons on string. Waving my arms like this was a trick I picked up over the years and eventually I noticed that buses always stopped when I did.

With a screech, the bus came to a sudden stop in front of my 'home' and I just knew that I was being watched. Eyes burned in the back of my head and it took all I had not to turn around and look back. My feet, doing their own work, took steps forward so I could get onto the bus. Every seat seemed to be taken but with further inspection I saw one seat open. Ugh, it was directly in the middle of the bus. With all eyes on me now there was no escape ... I was officially the new kid.

The bus lurched forward and I was thrown into the seat without warning. A few chuckles filled the air, making me slightly uncomfortable. Laughing meant someone found my fall amusing; that always lead to wanting to point, laugh, and of course spread the news. I just wanted to blend in, to have no one notice me and just go through a new school invisible. Was it possible? Of course not, humans were unable to ignore something new. They poked and prodded at anything new.

The silence in the air was already disappearing at every added second. The chuckles had caused a talking chaos. Whispers filled the air, making it impossible to zone out. That was all it took to ruin my morning; a simple laugh.

"Look at the new chick."

More rumors about how I suddenly appeared filled the air. It was like this every time but luckily I knew how to ignore it easily. My hands went for the best thing in my backpack-earphones. Music was the one thing that stay constant even though my ways of living always changed.

"Either she is shy or very annoyed by us all."

Well, maybe not all the kids on this bus were as annoying the rest of them. For the rest of the bus ride, I let myself slip into the world of music. It was lonely at times but it kept me out of everyone's way.

As the bus pulls into the school, I make sure I'm the first off the bus so I don't get stuck behind everyone else. By pure luck, I make it off the bus and onto school grounds without making a complete fool of myself. I scurry through the halls and make it to my first class just as the bell rings. I'd much rather be the first there then be the last and attract more attention to myself.

I slip into the classroom just between a few students and go unnoticed. I breathe out a sigh of relief and sink into a desk in the back of the small classroom. Students file in and a few glance at me, whispering to their friends. That's another thing I've noticed,everyone is standing around in a group of friends chatting away. All except me.

Royal in HidingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum