fights (5)

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The detention seemed to drag on and Hermione had so many questions she needed to ask, they got given the task of writing lines for an hour which she would have been thankful for if Draco didn't put on that show earlier, now she was dying to know what had happened.

The minute the excruciating hour was over and Snape had dismissed them, Draco had jumped out of his seat and speedily walked out the door, Hermione followed.

He was on the urge of running and there was no way she could catch up to him, he was on the quidditch team after all. She called his name in the attempt of stopping him but he kept on walking not even glancing at her. She stopped outside the Hufflepuff common room, panting for breath, he was too far and there was no way she'd catch up with him.

Slowly she walked back to the Gryffindor common room and gave the password to the fat lady. She thought it would be empty by now and everyone would be in there dorms but instead it was loud and crowded, everyone seemed to be surrounding one of the coaches. 

She walked up to one of the third years who were on the outskirts of the crowd and asked what happened, "it's Ron! He got attacked, god he's so brave"  there was no way Draco's black eye and Ron's 'attack' were a coincidence.

She harshly pushed through the crowd, elbowing her way through and when she got to the centre, Ron was dramatically laid down across the couch holding an ice pack to his face, groaning, Harry was sat in-front of him and Ginny was speaking to the onlookers trying to give Ron some space.

Hermione crouched down next to Harry, "what happened," she asked him.

"Him and Malfoy got into a row"

"About what?!" She asked sternly

"Doesn't matter right now, help me clean him up and I'll explain,"

The noise from the crowd was aggravatingly loud and Hermione needed to think, "cant we take him to a dorm," she pleaded.

"We've tried, he won't move,"


But then a loud screeching noise burst through the portrait. It was so loud and deathening it took them back to when Harry opened the egg from his third task back when he was partaking in the Triwizard tournament.

It was no other than Lavender Brown who came charging into the common room, she too elbowed her way into the middle, "what happened to him!" Harry stood up and tried to calm her.

"He's fine, we think it's just a broken nose, we can fix him up we just need some space," he said.

Lavender breathed, then she turned to Hermione, "it's all YOUR fault,"

Hermione was taken aback, how? "What?"

"You told him to fight him DIDNT you?" She accused.

"Why would I do that?!" The thought was absurd.

"Because you're jealous Hermione Granger, and I know it,"

She was about to speak when Ginny stepped in, "Lavender I think you need to calm down, let's go take a minute outside"

"No, she's after my boyfriend! I'm not leaving her alone with him,"

"I don't want your boyfriend for the hundredth time!"

Some student went to get Madam Pomfrey and she quickly arrived and made the rest of the students go back to their beds. Ron was taken to the hospital wing and Harry, Hermione and lavender were told he was allowed visitors in the morning. Lavender went off to her dorm with Parvati and Harry collapsed onto the couch. Hermione hovered over him, "will someone finally tell me what happened,"

He sighed heavily and Hermione sat on an armchair opposite him, "Me and Ron were in the library studying and Lavender surprisingly showed up, nothing really happened until out of no where Malfoy started shouting at us and Ron stood up and then Draco punched him and Ron punched back,"

"That's not what happened," she interrupted

"What do you mean, I haven't finished yet,"

"Why would Draco just start a fight for no reason,"

"He's a slytherin, it's in his nature I guess," Harry shrugged.

"No Harry, you're not telling me the truth,"

"I am," he brushed through his hair.

"Fine, be like that, I'm going to bed," she got up and walked over to her dorm, Harry just watched her and said nothing.

As Hermione laid in her four poster bed she thought restlessly about the fight. She was tired of no one telling her the truth and she was certain Harry was hiding something from her. Whatever it was, she was going to find it out, one way or another.

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