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"Seonghwa you dumb bitch!!!"

He was pushed aside as the younger made his way into the apartment.

He didn't have much time to see Hongjoong's face but... Did he see that right? Was Hongjoong crying?

"Are you crying?"

"No." The red haired sniffled with his back turned to Seonghwa as he closed the door. It was obvious that he was crying.

"Are you okay? Did something happen—"

"CAN YOU FUCKING STOP BEING SELFLESS FOR ONCE?!?!" Hongjoong yelled turning around, his eyes red and his cheeks stained with tears.

Senghwa flinched at the tone in his voice. That didn't stop him from walking to the youger though, as he tried to wrap his arms around him to comfort him.

Hongjoong didn't pull away.

When Seonghwa took notice of that he tightened his hold around the younger that began sobbing incotrollably in his arms.

He was worried about him. Hongjoong was crying in his arms and he didn't know what he could do to make him feel better, what he could do to ease his pain.

Because Hongjoong was in pain and he didn't know why.

He wasn't in a better situation, really. He too was hurting. He had been hurting for a week, but that didn't matter when Hongjoong was like this, this broken.

He wanted to keep hugging him, to kiss him, to tell him everything was going to be okay, but he could do none of this things as Hongjoong pupled away with another sob throwing something on the floor.

That something, Seonghwa noticed, were two pieces of paper.

Two pieces of paper he was far two familiar with as he recognized the pink and the now scrumbled handwriting.

"...Why didn't you tell me?"

He looked up in confusion. Hongjoong was looking at him, hurt written all over his features.

"Why didn't you tell me it was you?"

"...I thought you knew." It was barely a whisper when he spoke, afraid of angering the other more if he said anything wrong, anything that could be perceived as an excuse, because Seonghwa thought Hongjoong knew.

Yunho knew, so he thought Hongjoong knew too.

He adverted his gaze on the floor. He expected insults, or maybe a slap, or anything, but definitely not that.

He definitely didn't expect a muttered "Fuck." by Hongjoong just before the younger walked to him.

He definitely didn't expect for a pair of hands to grab his head and yank it down.

And he most definitely didn't expect the younger's lips pressed firmly on his own.

Was this a dream? A very strange, vivid, dream?

Because Seonghwa could have sworn that in that precise moment he forgot even his own name.

Hongjoong's lips were soft. A little chapped, but still soft, and Seonghwa was in heaven.

He tasted like strawberries, he noticed as he smiled againts the kiss.

And then Hongjoong slowly pulled away just a little, to rest his forehead on the older's.

"I like you too Seonghwa. I didn't even know it was you the whole time, I'm so fucking stupid—"


Seonghwa's heart was beating out of his chest as he looked deeply into the younger's eyes.

A soft nod from Hongjoong sent a million butterflies wild in his stomach because this was real and Hongjoong liked him back and it felt like everything that ever happened was just so they could be right then and there.

And maybe it really was like that.

Because now it was Seonghwa the one to lean forward to connect their lips, and it was as breathtaking as the first time.

It felt good.

It felt right.

And it seemed to slowly pull together the broken pieces of his heart, fixing it in the process like it never even broke in the first place.


"So you liked the person that left you the notes."

Hongjoong nodded. They were cuddled up on the couch, Hongjoong's head resting on Seonghwa's chest as the older slowly brushed his fingers through his hair, a soft movie playing in the background.

"And that person was me, but you didn't know."

He nodded again.

"I still liked you. I mean, I had feelings for the 'real' you too, but it wouldn't have been fair to you if I liked two persons. I mean, it's you but- you know. I was about to tell you when you ran away and when I knocked on your door you didn't reply."

"You knocked on my door?"

Hongjoong nodded and "Right after you ran away."

"...I didn't hear you."

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

Seonghwa stayed silent before nodding slowly.

Hongjoong looked up to meet his gaze just to find out that the older was already looking at him.



"I'm sorry."

Seonghwa's arms moved to his torso and he pulled him in to hide his face in the crook of Hongjoong's neck shaking it as he did so.

Hongjoong found himself smiling at the older's actions.

"And Seonghwa,"

Seonghwa pulled away to lock his gaze to Hongjoong's, that was smiling soflty at him.

"I know that I'm late..."

He rested his weight on one of his arms as he moved up the other to cup Seonghwa's face.

"...But would you, maybe, be my boyfriend?"

The tears that started to form in the corners of the older's eyes almost tempted him to pull away, to take everything back, when Seonghwa suddenly pushed forward, placing a short but meaningful kiss on his lips.

"I would. Please."

Hongjoong smiled pecking the other's lips again.

And now he could consider himself the happiest man on the whole heart, because he was there, in the other's arms.

In his boyfriend's arms.

~𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤~ [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now