Shivaay, concerned, responded, "I'll be there right away. Just take care of him until I arrive."

Annahita thanked Shivaay and then turned her attention back to Adhiraj, who was trying to sit up despite the pain. "Please, just lie down. Help is on the way," she insisted.

Adhiraj managed a small smile and nodded, appreciating Annahita's caring nature even in stressful situations.

Annahita was panicking every second, apologizing to Adhiraj for her behavior, while he tried to calm her down. After a few minutes, Adhiraj and Rustam rushed towards him, guiding him to sit on the couch.

"Bhai, will he be alright? Should we go to the hospital? What if something happens to him?" panicked Annahita.

Shivaay reassured her that the doctor was on his way. Adhiraj also attempted to calm her down, but she continued to fret.

"Why isn't the doctor coming? Is he coming from London that it's taking so much time?" she said, tapping her foot anxiously.

As she paced around, the doctor arrived and began examining Adhiraj. Before the doctor could share any information, Adhiraj signaled to Shivaay, asking him to take Annahita outside and help her calm down. Shivaay raised his eyebrows but complied with the request, guiding Annahita away from the scene. She was initially reluctant to leave but eventually moved with Shivaay after his persistent requests.

Shivaay took her outside and settled her on the swing.

"Stop panicking, Anna. He will be alright. It's not your fault," said Shivaay, trying to reassure her.

However, Annahita's panic was evident in her trembling hands and the anxious look in her eyes. "No, Bhai. It's my fault. What if something happens to him like with Maa and Baba? What am I gonna do?" she expressed, tears welling up and her voice cracking.

Shivaay knelt in front of her, gently holding her trembling hands. "Look into my eyes. You call me Bhai, right? So trust me. It's not your fault. It's just a minor fracture," Shivaay assured her, trying to provide comfort amid the distress.

As they sat on the swing, the soft morning sunlight filtering through the leaves cast a warm glow on the surroundings.

Annahita's panic was palpable - her rapid breaths punctuating the otherwise quiet ambiance. Shivaay, with a steadying presence, spoke soothing words to alleviate her anxiety. The delicate fragrance of blooming flowers mixed with the fresh morning dew, creating an atmosphere that contrasted sharply with Annahita's distressed state.

She couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt, and Shivaay's attempts to console her echoed in the serene surroundings. The garden, adorned with blossoms of various colors, served as a picturesque backdrop to the unfolding scene of reassurance and concern.

As Shivaay held her hands, Annahita's gaze was drawn to the swaying branches above, their shadows dancing on the ground below. The morning birds chirped a hopeful melody, as if trying to impart a sense of optimism to the troubled atmosphere.

Together, they awaited news on Adhiraj's condition, the morning sun casting long shadows as it rose higher in the sky. Shivaay's supportive words mingled with the sounds of nature, creating a delicate symphony in the garden.

Adhiraj's POV:

As Shivaay ushered Anu outside, my gaze fixed on Dr. Mehra. I sat up, determined to control the narrative.

"Look, Dr. Mehra, you're going to plaster my hands and confirm a fracture. Understand?" I asserted, my tone unwavering.

The doctor, sensing the gravity of the situation, hesitated, "But Sarkaar, you seem fine, and there doesn't appear to be any fracture."

Tainted Desires : Bound By Misfortunesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن