Chapter 11

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It's not very good I just really needed to update and I've kind of been in writers block😭
I apologize😭😭


~Hyunjins Pov~

I wake up to the feeling of gentle hands carding through my hair. When I open my eyes I'm met with Minho looking down at me with a loving gaze.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks brushing a strand of hair from my face.

I just shrug and cuddle closer to him tucking my face in the crook of his neck. He chuckles slightly wrapping his arms tighter around me and rubbing my back in a soothing manner. We sit there in silence for a little while and I almost fall back asleep when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in" Minho says, I don't bother looking to see who it is and just keep trying to cuddle impossibly closer to Minho.

~No ones Pov~

The door opens and in walks chan who looks at Minho with raised eyebrows basically asking if hyunjins okay. The younger nods as he rubs hyunjins back soothingly.

"Are you guys hungry,Felix and Seungmin made pancakes" Chan asks as he walks over to the bed and places a kiss on each of their cheeks. Minho looks at him shocked and sits up "You guys let them in the kitchen alone? Together?" Hyunjin laughs quietly causing Minho and Chan to both smile.

The three walk into the dining room, where the others are waiting for them and they sit down in the remaining seats and begin breakfast with a comfortable silence

After breakfast has ended Jeongin insisted on taking Jisung to the mall which the other happily agreed as to get out of the tension filled house for a bit. The two were walking around the mall when Jisung spotted a store with a giant squirrel plushy in the front window but before he could say anything about it he was pulled into another store by Jeongin who wanted his opinion on some clothes.

Jeongin was in the changing room and Jisung decided to look around the store as he had nothing else to do. He was looking at a few different things when he accidentally bumped into someone and he immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorr-" He began but was cut off mid sentence by none other than....

"Watch where you're going you brat." The male said without sparing the squirrel like boy a glance. Jisung eyes widened when he realized that the person he Just bumped into was someone he never thought he would see again, the person who he thought was someone he could trust, someone that he thought loved him. His father.

Jisungs father finally looked up to glare at whoever bumped into him, when he saw that it was him the glare turned into a smirk as he moved closer to the younger.

"Well well well, if it isn't the fag I used to call my son." He spat, an evil grin plastered across his face.

Jisung froze not saying anything even when his 'father' grabbed his wrist in an attempt to pull him out of the store and that's when Jeongin came out of the changing room.

"Hey Jisung how does this one look-" He said before he noticed what was happening. All he needed before he decided to say something was the uncomfortable look on the boys face.

"Get the fuck away from him." He said before pulling Jisung towards him.

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