Chapter 6

165 11 2

Kind of a short chapter

Word count: 864

~Hans pov~
I woke up and it was dark outside. I sat up confused 'How did I get back home I was just on a date with chan, and holy shit my head hurts so bad' I slide off the bed my feet hitting the cold floor sending a shiver up my spine.

I make my way out of the room and down the hallway looking for the others. I peek my head into the living room not seeing anybody and head over to the kitchen. I walk in and see Hyunjin and Felix arguing about whether americanos or brownies are better. I stare at them for a moment before they notice me, "Oh hey Ji how are you feeling, do you need some medicine for your headache?" Felix says and I look at him confused "how did you know I had a headache?" He doesn't respond and instead leaves the room to grab something. "Here you sit down I'm gonna go get changbin hyung, he's been worried" Hyunjin says and I sit down confusion still evident on my face.

A few minutes later I hear rushed footsteps coming down the hallway and look up to see changbin hurrying over to me "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt besides your head I was so wor-" "Bin let him breathe" Minho says walking in behind him. "What are you guys even talking about" I stare at them all confused "Jisung do you not remember what happened?" I shake my head as felix walks back in handing me the medicine. Minho sighs before speaking "When you and chan hyung were on your date one of the waiters served you alcohol by mistake" My eyes widen in shock as I start to remember slightly, "You mean the grape juice?" I ask my eyebrow raised. "I- you're too innocent for this world" Minho says shaking his head.

We all sit on the couch, well besides the lazy ones still sleeping. "Lixie?" "Yes hannie?" He turns to face me, "Does your boss need any more workers?" "Oh yeah actually someone just quit, would you like me to ask him about it?" He asks pulling out his phone "Yes please I really want to get a job" He nods texting his boss.

I lean back and cuddle against someone not caring who it is. They turn my head to look at them, "You know you don't have to get a job if you don't want to right we have plenty of money princess" I give him the Hyunjin side eye at the petname but move past it "Yes I do binnie I want to be able to buy myself things and not have to depend on you guys, I don't even have a phone right now because I can't afford it"

"Why didn't you say anything I still have my old phone, I mean it has a few cracks but it'll do until we can get you a new one" Changbin gets up before i can argue and leaves the room coming back a few minutes later and hands me the phone.

"No binnie im serious I don't want you to waste money on me" "I already had this so I didn't spend any more money" He responds causing me to huff. He smiles knowing he's right. "This doesn't even have any cracks you liar" He shrugs "Here let me set it up for you" He grabs it from me.

By now everyone is awake and chilling on the couch "Dadddddd im hungryyyy" Hyunjin whines flopping onto chan who huffs surprised, "Hyunjin get your lanky ass off me" "But dadddddd" Chan groans as some of the others pile on top of him, "Ok you brats, get off me!"
They scramble off him and drag him too the kitchen.

I shake my head giggling and lean further onto Changbin who smiles down at me. "Binnie?" He hums in response. "I'm happy" I say smiling, "I'm glad princess" "Can't you call me something different?" He thinks for a moment then smiles "How about babe?" "Ew no that's even worse" He chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

Hyunjin walks in with flour all over himself "Dinners readyyyyy" I look at him and start laughing, "What's so funny?" He says with a frown walking further into the room.

"Hyunjin have you even looked in a mirror?" Changbin replies laughing as well. "I don't need to look in a mirror to know im hot" "Whatever you say flour boy" I jump up and walk past him into the kitchen.

Everyone is seated at the table waiting for us (Cause I'm right hereeee waiting for ussss) "who was gonna tell me that I had flour all over my face?!" Hyunjin storms in causing a few snickers from the table.

After Hyunjins little incident, the rest of dinner goes by smoothly. The only other thing interrupting being the usual 'Chans old' comments from seungmin.


Kind of a filler chapter
I'll try and make it more interesting next chapter
Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!!!

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