Chapter 4

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He's staring into my soul

Word count: 890

Everyone except Jisung are crowded in the kitchen having a hushed conversation while Jisung is asleep on the couch. "Am I the only one who heard what he said orrrr" Hyunjin says. "Do you think he meant it?" "Im not sure min maybe he meant as a friend?" Seungmin says hopping up onto the counter. "Do you tell all your friends you love them or something" Changbin questions glaring at him. "Well, no but maybe he- never mind you have a point"
"Minnie?" a small voice is heard. Seungmin hops off the counter and walks to the living room "Hey sung you okay?" "Yeah just was lonely" seungmin smiles and sits next to him wrapping an arm around his shoulders "Hmm how about we have some breakfast you fell asleep so we didn't get a chance to" "Im not really that hungry" "Cmon sungie you've gotta eat, will you do it for me please" he gives him a pleading look "Okay I guess I'll try only for you"
Seungmin leads him into the kitchen where the others are having a debate about whether waffles or pancakes are better. "Definitely waffles" "Nobody asked you old man" "Hyunjin you little" "Ahhhhhh!" Hyunjin runs from the room chan not far behind him. "I personally think cookies and yogurt are better" They all give him a weird look "Bin I love you but you concern me sometimes" minho says kissing his cheek. "Oh,are you guys dating" Jisung says, "Oh uh" Minho looks at seungmin who sighs "Ji can I talk to you for a minute" Seungmin holds out his hand for him to take "Uh yeah I guess" he grabs his hand and they leave the room.

Seungmin leads Jisung into his room and they sit on the bed facing each other. "Did I do something wrong?" "Wha- no of course not" he sighs taking a deep breath. "Sung have you ever heard of a polyamorous relationship?" "I think so isn't it like where multiple people date each other?" "Well yeah, It's when multiple people are in a relationship with only each other" "So like they can't date or do anything with people not in the relationship right?" Jisung asks and seungmin nods, "Oh that sounds pretty cool actually, could you imagine having multiple people to love you and take care of you and also having multiple people to love?" Seungmin smiles "you really think so?" Han nods smiling "well that's what I wanted to talk to you about, the others and I are together" Han looks at him for a second before moving his gaze to his lap, "oh..." seungmin furrows his brows "What's wrong?" "nothing I just" "Jisung look at me" he lifts his head looking at him, he grabs jisungs hands in his own "Ji baby, we want you to join us" his eyes widen "Wh-what?" "You don't have to answer right away just think about it yeah?" "O-okay can I be alone for a bit" "of course" he gives him a sad smile before leaving the room.
~Jisung pov~
After Seungmin left I laid back on the bed thinking, 'I mean I do kind of have a crush on Seungmin but I don't even really know anyone else that well' I get an idea and sit up 'Well maybe I could just hang out with them individually and that can help me get to know them and help me decide what to do' I hop off the bed and make my way down the hall where the others are sitting in the living room "Um Seungmin?" He looks over at me "Yeah sung?" "Could we maybe talk in the kitchen" He gets up "Yeah come on" He holds out his hand and I take it letting him lead me to the kitchen.

He leans against the counter waiting patiently for me to speak "So I uh was thinking about what you said and I was wondering if I could maybe like hang out with everyone individually and get to know them better first" I say, "You mean like a date?" He says smiling, "Well I uh" I respond with a faint blush and he chuckles "I'm just kidding Ji, Of course we can do that, Is there anyone you want to go with first?" He asks me, "Well I feel the most comfortable around Chan so..." Chan walks in the room "I heard my name" He smiles his dimples showing. "Yeah, he wants to do something with each of us to get to know us better and he said he feels most comfortable going with you first" Seungmin says "Aww I'm flattered love" He retorts causing me to cover my face embarrassed. They both chuckle at how easily they can fluster me before Chan speaks again "When were you thinking?" I shrug still avoiding looking at them "Anytime is fine" I say finally meeting his gaze, "Mm how about we go tomorrow I've got work off" Chan says giving me a questioning look, "Yeah that works" "Mkay it's a date" He says before kissing my cheek and walking away leaving me a flustered mess.
I'm probably going to have the next few chapter be each of the 'dates'

SKZ POLYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ