Chapter 3

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Warm-leaf- bit of wind and sunlight.

Third Pov

Acornstar, Blizzardstar and Maplestar followed besides Goldenstar into the forest border until they was ambushed by an group of cats.

"State your business in StormClan's territory!?" Hissed the gray She-Cat who stood next to an brown and white tabby Tom who gave the four leaders an glare
" We are just passing by!" Maplestar lied to the StormClan's cats in front of her.
"Sorry can't do that we must take you too our camp so that our leader can decide your fate" The tabby spoke with an hiss in his voice.

"Me and Redpine will take these rogues back to camp so that Brightstar can deal with them in the meantime continue your hunting patrol Spiderheart and Graypaw" The black She-Cat meowed as the two nodded before they before turning and bounding back through the bushes they came from.

Redpine lead the way back to camp as they reached camp the black She-Cat walked in first before Redpine gave the signal to the four leaders to follow him inside as they spotted alot of StormClan's cats outside the camp clearing sharing tongues as they spotted an colored Tom.

"Redpine and Pythontalon what these rogues doing in StormClan's camp?!" The colored tom hissed causing the camp to go quiet as Redpine spoke up after dipping his head at the tom.
" We found them trying to pass our territory Brightstar" Meowed Redpine as Vixencall walked next to Brightstar.

Which Brightstar put his tail in front of her narrowing his eyes" Tell me the truth why you are really on StormClan's territory?" Brightstar spat at the four leaders as Goldenstar spoke up first" I am Goldenstar" Goldenstar meowed making Vixencall tilt her head" You mention your name is Goldenstar why is that only Clan born leader's can have them about yall?" Vixencall meowed as Brightstar Demissed Redpine and Pythontalon who went back to hunting.

" That's Maplestar, Blizzardstar and Acornstar" Goldenstar meowed making Brightstar and Vixencall turn to each other with confused look in their eyes.
" No way StarClan gave nine lives to rogues" An Cinnamon says from the back with his tail around his kits.

"We aren't rogues we are Clan cats just like you" Acornstar mewed making Brightstar look at her unamused in his eyes.
" I lead BerryClan" Acornstar mewed.
" I lead BreezeClan" Blizzardstar says licking his left front paw.
" I lead ReedClan" Meowed Maplestar.
" I lead GladeClan" Goldenstar mumbles loud enough for Vixencall and Scarpelt to hear her.
"I thought we were the only Clans here?" Few cats spoke up.
" A course are like we are we live here for millions of moons mouse-brain!" Mumbled Scarpelt who was given few glares at making Cinnamon Tom shut them up.

"I am Brightstar Leader of StormClan and this is Vixencall my deputy" Brightstar points his tail at making Vixencall to playfully roll her eyes at him.

"So why are yall really here?" Redpine spoke after putting three chipmunks and one hare in the kill pile.
" Oh um we want to you to come to the next full moon gathering" Maplestar meowed making Redpine and Stripedshade confused.
" What in StarClan's name is a Gathering?" Stripedshade and Redpine asked the same time.
"You will see and oh have your Medicine Cats come to half-moon gatherings at the Starcave?" Blizzardstar meowed sternly.

"For what?" Stripeddhade hissed before Redpine went over to shut him up making the striped tom give him an silent glare before sitting back down.

"To speak to StarClan once on every half-moon gathering plus StarClan could have an prophecy or Omen or if an Medicine Apprentice is chosen right before the half-moon gatherings" Maplestar says before turning back to Brightstar who's eyes narrowed at this.

"Yeah right they saying this so that they can get rid of me to make us weak and strike at our weak point" The Striped tom says with serious tone in his voice.

"One more word out of you Stripedshade and I will have you take ticks out the elders"" Vixencall snaps as Stripedshade turns to look at her" I'm also your only Medicine Cat who's going to cure injures and sick cats?" Stripedshade sass before marching into his den. Making Vixencall glare at the tom before turning back to the others.

"When's the next one?" The coloured tom meowed out the question closing " his eyes.
"Nine moons away" Goldenstar sighs flicking her tail getting tired.

"I will think about it when it gets closer to the day but for now I will discuss it with Vixencall and Stripedshade about it" Brightstar says licking his left shoulder.
"Fine that is all we will be on our way then" Blizzardstar says getting onto his paws.
" Treeflight, Rainyfall, Bumbleice, Firedawn and Halfeyes lead them out of the territory" The white She-Cat says before the chosen warriors dipped their heads before walking out camp with the leaders at the middle of them.

" Skyfall you will lead an border patrol at Streampath take Clearrain, Redpine, Doeglare, Cloudpaw, Harefang and Beetlepaw" Vixencall meowed flicking her tail.

"Pythontalon you will lead another border patrol at Softpelt's border take Birdgrowl, Dragonflypaw, Bearroar and Skunkpaw!" Vixencall meowed with an stern voice before breathing for a bit.

" Spiderheart you will lead an border patrol at the abandoned cabin take Graypaw, Ravenfire, Logfang, Petalpaw and Oatdapple" Vixencall says before bounding into Brightstar's den along with Stripedshade and Nectarhawk who followed in quietly not saying a word.

In Brightstar's Den

" We have moons to think this through before coming up with an final decision" Stripedshade spoke out sitting across from Brightstar" I think we should decide before the day of this gathering" Vixencall speaking up sitting across from the striped tom Medicine Cat.
"In the mean time we should train our warriors just incase they attack our when we are gone" Nectarhawk meowed flicking his left ear.
" I agree and what are we going to do on the half-moon gathering while both of us are away and suddenly an warrior wants to play in the thorn bushes like mouse-brains they are?" Stripedshade meowed.
" Stripedshade I am telling you your Clanmates just want to spend some time with you for StarClan's stake" The Cream Tom says rolling his eyes making Vixencall shake her head at the striped tom along with Brightstar.
"One of you can go and one could stay just incase the thorn thing does happen" The colored tom meowed making the two sigh" Nectarhawk can go since he's more calm, relaxed and won't sass anyone out" Brightstar says licking his shoulder for some reason nervous.

" It's not like I wanted to get attacked while over there" The Striped Medicine sass licking his paw again.

" Yeah.. I agree with this sassy cat" Vixencall snickered" It's settled then Nectarhawk will be going on the half-moon gatherings and Stripedshade doesn't have to worry about being killed by them problem solved" Brightstar chuckle curling his tail around his paws" In the meantime me and Vixencall will figure out of this gathering is worth going too" Brightstar says and with that Stripedshade and Nectarhawk walked out the den as the clouds lowered to the ground to create fog.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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