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"May all cats stronger then the storm it's self gather beneath the Highledge for an Clan meeting!" An bright coloured tom spoke upon an large branch which was on an large rock at the back of the camp

yes turned to him as everyone gathered beneath the Highledge.

Their eyes gazing upon the bright coloured tom who gaze back at them.

"I will only say that getting my nine lives was successful" The Tom Spoke up
"Now I am now known as Brightstar!" The coloured tom known as Brightstar meowed raising his head up with pride in his eyes.

"Brightstar! Brightstar! Brightstar!" Voices can be heard but only few said nothing glanced up at the tom with gazing looks upon him.

"Now I say these words before StarClan so that they can hear and approve of my choice!" Brightstar voice echoed throughout the camp clearing making most percked their ears up to listen.

Brightstar eyes gaze upon an white She-Cat with light gray fur chest and brown paws" Vixencall will be the deputy of StormClan!" Brightstar voice echoed throughout the camp clearing as the White She-Cat's ears percked up as her dark blue eyes widen as she stood onto her paws.

Vixencall then walked over to the Highledge and sits upon an large flate stone next to the Highledge dipping her head towards Brightstar.

Brightstar nodded to the new deputy" Also since Fogstar was also an mentor to Graypaw and since we can't delay training our apprentices I must appoint Graypaw's new mentor at once!" The coloured tom pauses for a bit.

" Spiderheart you will be the mentor to Graypaw!" Brightstar voice reached out to the camp clearing as his eyes looked onto an dawn brown and black marckeled tabby She-Cat who ears percked up at her name.

"Spiderheart you did well training Bearroar and I expect you to pass the same knowledge onto Graypaw!" Brightstar finishes his speech as Spiderheart touch noses with Graypaw.

Brightstar then waves his tail to demissed his clan as he walked down the Highledge.

"Willowflower and Sorrelflame will you bury Fogstar at the Flowing Meadow's since that what he wanted to be buried at" Brightstar meowed as his ears flattened as the two toms dipped their heads respectfully before picking up Scorchstar's deceased body and taking it out the camp.

Brightstar eyes saddened as Fogstar's three daughters Snailpaw, Antlerpaw and Petalpaw watched their birth mother be carried out before going to comfort the three young She-Cats along with their father Smallglare.

Not knowing what is coming their way.

Brightstar's BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now