Nineteen Years Later

Start from the beginning

'The important question is, young lady, why aren't you in bed at this time on a Friday night?' said Harry.

'I was waiting for you. Will you read to us tonight?'

'Your daddy has had a very long day, perhaps tomorrow,' said Draco. 'I'll read tonight.'

'Awww!' said Lily quietly, holding onto Harry more tightly.

'We'll make a decision in a moment,' said Harry.

'BOYS!' Draco called into the sitting room. 'Have you all brushed your teeth?'

'Yeees...' came a chorus of distracted voices.

'Do I need to ask the mirror?' Harry said, sticking his head around the door.

'DAD!!!' came the exuberant response.

'You're home!' exclaimed Scorp, leaping off the sofa and charging over to hug Harry around the waist, despite the fact that Harry was holding Lily. He got a one-armed hug in return and a kiss to the top of his head, buried into his white-blond hair. He was the mirror of his sister rather than his twin.

'Indeed I am.'

He repeated the hugging exercise with Al. Jamie hadn't looked up from his book.

'Now all of you, up and brush your teeth, properly. Two minutes, no talking or I'll get the mirror to tell me and you'll all have to start again. Once you're done properly, story time.'

'In your bed?' asked Al.

'Yes,' said Harry, ruffling Al's black hair. 'How else will all of us snuggle in together?'

Al ducked away from his dad's hand and tried to smooth his ruffled hair. Unfortunately, both he and Jamie had inherited the Potter gene and had the same untameable mess as their dad. It drove Draco to despair, and Al too because he wanted the same hair as his twin.

'Teddy too?' asked Scorp, smirking at his younger brother's indignation.

'Only if he wants.'

'ALL OF US!' yelled Al and there was a thundering of footsteps as both Scorp and Al charged up the stairs.

'Is Teddy brushing his teeth now?' said Jamie, looking up from his book.

'It's not Teddy's bedtime. Come on, Jamie, up you go,'

'I should be allowed to stay up later than the twins,' Jamie complained.

'You get to read a bit later than the boys,' Draco said sternly. 'Don't push things.'

'When I go to Hogwarts, I'll be allowed to stay up as late as I want,' Jamie grumbled.

'Only if you don't mind upsetting Minerva McGonagall,' said Harry with a very serious face.

Jamie paled and shrunk down into the sofa.

'Come on,' Harry nodded to the door. 'And you all need to agree on what we read—after you've brushed your teeth.'

Jamie reluctantly heaved himself up and trundled after his brothers, clutching his book.

'You too, Lily,' Harry said, letting his daughter slide down and go after the other three.

'Hi, dad,' said Teddy from where he was trying to curl up and fit in the armchair in the corner of the room. The problem was his legs were too long and lanky for the space. He was, really, the spitting image of Remus despite his currently blue hair. He too was in his pyjamas, despite the early hour and Harry decided that a pyjama night sounded rather appealing.

'Hi, Teds. You okay?'


'Ready to go back to York next week?'

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