Siren I

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The girls filed before rushing to take their positions well not all of them, the last to enter failed to scuttle in like her peers but rather she stalked into the, her feet falling one in front of the other measured and relaxed.  As she came to a stop she raised her head allowing the candlelight to catch her features. It was her.

There she was the face Suleiman had glanced at many mornings but always from a far. He was sure she was a fit of his imaginations, she seemed to always be at the edge of his eye, yet never in sight, throughout the whole harem she seemed to somewhat disappear. 

Their eyes met and what a sight they were. They were light though he could not tell their colour under the dim light but none the less they were striking. They were soft and cat-like, framed perfectly by her long lashes, giving her a sultry and somewhat sensual gaze. Accompanying resting below her sharp cut cheekbones were her lips. Appearing soft and glistening under the glow of the room. They were plump and had a tempting redness to them Suleiman couldn't help but noticed, though her lips rested still the corners of her lips were slightly lifted into a subtle smirk that added to her allure. 

With a wave of the hand the music began.

The girls jumped into the dance their hips jutting out at every beat, they turned their wrists and followed the steps moving as one. Their lips all stretching into their best seductive smile, wide grins or bashful tugs at their lips. Each throwing glances at the Sultan. Sibylla, however, took her time and at the beat her hips would curve to the side to side, and her movements though in time were softer and slower. The aim was to be more sensual, as the music continued she allowed herself to be lost in the dance, the other girls didn't matter, their job was to be uniform and predictable all the more for her to stand out, following the steps with little flavor or excitement.

Suleiman watched as the performance continued, his attention on however, was drawn to one. It was as if she had no bones to restrict her she did not dance to the music she moved along side it as if she herself was another note, gently twisting into the air. the white silk sway around her as if she was gliding in water. It clung beautifully to her bronzed skin, that seemed to shine even more in the candlelight. The belt that laid on her hips gave a soft melody of its own

Noticing the Sultans attention on Sibylla, the their girls slowly began losing formation, their seductive smirks slipping of their faces, their movements staggering a bit. In an attempt to sabotage her and draw the Sultans attention away, one of the girls closest to her, slyly stuck her foot out in hope to trip her. But Sibylla was faster, raising her foot a little and gave a soft and small corkscrew turn, she crossed one foot in front of the other and pivoted on the heel of the foot in front, as she did her dresses raised ever so slightly giving Suleiman glimpse of her soft defined calf. Though she was not the tallest of girls, Sibylla had long legs that were sculptured by her years of morning swims she and her father took.

Suleiman could not remember seeing anything as alluring under the candlelight then her. 

The drum gave one more beat and the dance had come to an end. Each girl falling into a curtsy, once again allowing Sibylla to stand out. Her curtsy was polished and well executed from years of practice unlike the clumsy low stoops the other girls gave.

Suleiman gave a slow clap, coming from his trance he leaned forward prepared to be speak

Knock Knock knock

With a flicker of irritation he looked towards the doors "What!" he barked

The doors swung open giving way for the of the guards to slip past, approaching he handed the Sultan what appeared to be a missive, he looking it over Suleiman stood, fury engulf him. Just as he made way for the doors he paused before turning back.

Walked until he reached her, with her perchance of disappearing he did not want to leave her to chance. He gestured for her to rise, which she did face still looking downcast. Placing a hand under her chin he titled it back till he could get a real good look at her, his thumb gently brushed the butt of her chin. The gesture would have been sweet had she not been dragged her as his slave she thought bitterly.

"What your name hatun?" He inquired, at least if beauty disappeared from him he'd be left with a name.

"Sibylla hünkârım  ," her voice like sweet honey, eyes peering up at him through the curtain of thick lashes.

He gave her chin one more squeeze before leaving.

As they made their way back to the main harem, Sibylla ignored the glares fixated on her person and walked leading the disgruntled pack back. By the time they returned most of the girls were done eating and settling in, smiling she spotted Emily.

"Sibylla, your back how was it?" She asked her attention now solely on her, she shrugged and smiled, she had captured his attention that's for sure, she'd simply have to wait.

"It was-"

"Well well"a voice cut in turning Sibylla found herself faced with Hafize, sighing she gave a Emily an exaggerated look, which she returned with a giggle. "I heard you made  a fool of yourself in front of the Sultan" she smirked.

"Really (sighs) says who?" Already bored of their conversation.

"Says everyone apparently you danced shamelessly in front of the Sultan and tried to get his attention only for him to storm off" The surrounding girls near by tuned in as Hafize voice increased in volume. A interesting rumor Sibylla thought, part of her was impressed at how quick it took, no doubt it was started by one of the jealous brats who were sent to dance with her. 

"Hafize, I have far better things to do then engage or correct these petty rumors." Sibylla tone rang of dismissal as she turned, some things weren't worth the bother.

Slightly peeved Hafize yanked her shoulder back, "Hey! I'm one of the Sultan's favorites you can't speak to me like this I-"

"You what?" Sibylla raised an eyebrow, daring her," You spent one night... oh.. no I'm sorry. You spent a few hours with the Sultan three weeks ago and you think you own this place, next thing you know  you'll be collecting rent from us" at her comment the girls fell into laughter, causing Hafize to turn a shade of puce.

Before she could respond, Halil made his presence known, glancing at the Hafize his attention turned to Sibylla.

" Prepare yourself Hatun tonight you will serve the Sultan," a purple silk handkerchief was tossed in her lap as he left.

For a brief second her face twisted- Serve- a word she had come to hate, once more reminding her sh she's now someone's property.

Alas, her plan was in motion she now had access to the ladder tonight she would begin her first climb.

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