Life Before

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There was a certain eeriness in how quickly,  a person's life can change. A mere moment and everything is tilted on its axis. It was God's cruel hand often dealt to the least expecting.

Sibylla's descent began surrounded by a picturesque setting one only afforded by few. She sat comfortably on a balcony overlooking cerulean blue waves, the sun and its rays showered down on her catching the gold trending of her gown and accentuating her bronze tone. Book in hand, her eyes firmly skimmed the words before her. Her hand gently caressed the corner of the yellowing page, before she continued onto the next page. She focused she failed to hear her mother approaching footsteps as they hit the marble flooring. 

Elizabeth, her mother, was the only daughter born from lord Adam Pembroke and Anne Howard, like most upper-class girls, her parents had high hope for her in terms of marriage and failed to miss a chance to show her off at the king's court. It was there she met her love Emir, the son of a wealthy ambassador from Egypt. Alas much to her parents' utter embarrassment and disappointment she eloped with him and set off to Egypt. Emir was everything she dreamed of as a girl, he was kind, courteous, generous and most of all supportive. He fueled and feed her constant need and want to learn, bought her books, took her on frequent trips to the Citadels, he was a dream for her. And soon after the union, their sun was born. Sibylla was the best of both parents and Elizabeth couldn't be more proud, as she approached her daughter she took the time to gaze at her. Her greatest creation. There she laid out on the balcony, her feet propped up on a small cushion, she wore a beautiful silk gown, etched with flower embroidery done with gold threat, its light bellowed in the soft breeze. Her dark brown hair pulled back in Greek plaits, with sapphire gems weaved in. Her arm each wrapped with a gold snake cuff, an old Egyptian style of dress. The gold matched beautifully with her tanned skin.

Placing a soft hand on her shoulder, she gently took her attention away from her book, her lips tugging into a smile she sat by her feet.

" Apologies, I did not hear coming." Sibylla voice was ethereal, a mellow note that swayed in the wind. But then again every mother found their child to be a wonder.

" I'm not surprised. I came to tell you your father has returned, everything is ready."

" That good, I can't wait to go, although I will miss it here" Sibylla replied, planting her feet softly to the ground.

" Me too, Italy is always gorgeous this time of year", they had spent the past six months in Italy, the first four were spent in Florence enjoying the rich foods and ancient architectures. With Emir's wealth of connections they found themselves hosted by renowned Alessandro de' Medici, Duke of Florence . The villa was located in Volterra a small but comely village surrounded by Etruscan walls. It was a beautiful blend of rugged stone, lush greens and glistening blue.

" We can come back can't we?" she asked, remembering her father's friend generously offering the villa anytime the year.

" Of course. What were you reading anyway?" tilting her head, Elizabeth, moved the book around glancing at the cover.

Shijing Book of Songs I thought it would make an interesting read before we reach China."

"Zhōngguó rén jiànlìle yīgè huīhuáng de dìguó." Her mother quickly responded changing dialect.

"Méicuò, dàn bìngfēi méiyǒu tāmen de tiāncái." Clapping her hands, Elizabeth's smile grew " very good, your Mandarin has improved immensely. " Grabbing her daughter's hand she pulled her up as they headed to meet her father. There feet were light, the tails of their skirts swaying by their ankles.

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