chapter 5 (part 4)

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Flashback pov:

Young Eloy pov:

"Hey Eloy! Have you seen the latest game? " some other guy said as I look at them and put my book down, I stand up and went towards them, "no I didn't play that game, I only play games if I'm finish study and doing homework." "Oh damn you always study every day! Dude relax a bit it's not like there always quiz every day! " "keep talking like you always play games and always have low grades".

The guy pouting at me and start angry at me, he keeps continuing to annoyed me like always, geez when will I find someone who is normal.

" hey guys what's happening here? "
Dave said walking towards us, I look at him immediately as I smile gently at him,"nothing just annoyed Eloy like always" the guy spoke as he cross he's arms and lean against the wall "Micheal you can't keep annoyed Eloy like that, he need some peace man" Dave said try to make Micheal stop "stop acting a dad to me Dave!, you know I'm very jealous that Eloy got tons of fan girls while us are just standing there being a third wheel duo!" "Dave has fan girls too you know? " I said look at Micheal annoyed .

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM! I ALWAYS GET BEING THE THIRD WHEEL! " Micheal said as he stomped he's feet like a child wanting a toy "I don't have a lover yet even Dave" I said look at Dave who is just using he's phone, I sighed as I lighted punch them in there head as they both feel the pain from the head. "You guys are idiots, you know that we have quiz in history right? " I said look at them, I saw there reaction as they are really felt horrified, let me guess they didn't study and all they do is playing games huh... "Shoot! I forgot to study! Ugh! Stupid me! " Dave said as he pretend to cry as i just calm him down by patting him. "THERE'S A QUIZ!? ".Micheal said as he rash to get he's bag and start study the history textbook Dave did the same thing too, and I was there sighing disappointed to them.

(How many times Eloy keep sighing? That's all I'm thinking see you next 2 months)

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