chapter 1 the meeting

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------ narrator pov ------



A random guy said

"I-im s-s-sorr-ry k-kye.. P-please j-j-just l-leave me h-here.. "

A lady said

"DON'T PLEASE YOUR MY ONLY ONE! PLEASE" kye said cried in tears of sadness..


She die..

"N-no.. " kye said
Still cried in tears..

100 years later...

Kye is still chilling in he's home where magician live

Kye still in depression of sadness he still love her..

But he's still remember her last words..

"Please find someone better than me who can make you stay away of darkness it's okay if I see you guys being together but please I just don't want to see you in depression when I die but I guess this is the last goodbye... Goodbye kye.. "

Kye still can't find he's one and only he can't find he's true love to escape he's darkness and depression..

He's eyes are tearing up for remember that from 100 years... But he can't just be there in the darkness of he's soul he's mission is to find he's true love.. He don't know if he's true love is a men or a women but he's still trying

Kye go to the magicians town where only magician live and there true loves everyone look at him and whisper about he's past lover died and he's still can't find he's true love

Yes they know about kye's past lover last words

But still hes being bothered

He go home and he's still have the picture of he's past lover but then he heard something

"Who's there? " kye ask the question he may think it was just a wind it's not he can sense someone

He go to he's room of potion then he see a white magician guy "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? "

the figured ignored him he run away and he summoned he's portal and escape but kye is in the portal in right in time before it close

He get out to the portal and he see some beautiful sky beautiful nature he don't know where he was but he don't know where is the robbery but he know what to do

He use he's magic to locate the robbery

...... He found the robbery but hes eyes widely he didn't know a magician go to the normal people village

He teleport to where the village is near he transformed he's normal person form

He then look at the robbery

But he's still didn't find it
He ask a the villagers about where is the white hair guy white eyes and white clothes

The villagers know that man he point the direction where he lives he then saw the robbery guy talking a blond guy

He then launch to the robbery
He attack and pinned him down

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? LET ME GO! " the robbery said

"Give me back my potion you stealers! " kye said still pinned him down

"HE SAID LET GO! LET ANYAN GO! " a random blond dude said

"And who do you think you are to order me-" kye said but he's words stop after seeing a adorable cute  blond guy standing in front to kye

Kye went falling in love

dont want to lose you too(yandereKye x lay) Where stories live. Discover now