Oh dear. "Umm I'm not sure I'm ready for a blood cookie," I admitted.

"Blood cookie?" She laughed hard. "I like that." Willow started laughing too and soon I was joining in. "So how was the Moon Circle?" She asked, seeming genuinely curious.

"It was great. I've never felt so at peace," I admitted. "Are they all like that?" I asked Willow.

"You've never been to one before?" Asked Flic.

"Oh um, I've always been a bit of a loner." I looked at Willow.

"Solitary practitioner." Willow clarified. I nodded and smiled.

Flic just raised an eyebrow and sipped on her Plasmax. "Must be nice to be here with other Witches then?"

"I'm getting used to it." I really was too. It was strange to think a week ago I had no idea about this place. "Changing the subject, you do realise half the guys in here are staring this way?"

Flic put her cup down and turned to look over her shoulder. She smiled and waved. The amount of fangs on show smiling back in this direction was extremely unnerving. Willow laughed. Flic turned back and popped another blood cookie in her mouth, her eyes sparkling with mischief. I laughed too, I couldn't help it. I liked Flic. Then I realised who she reminded me of - Raven. I was saddened at the thought of not seeing all my old friends again.

It was at that moment that I saw him. My breath caught. Mr Tall, Dark, and Handsome had just walked into the restaurant. Oh my god! It was definitely him. It was the guy walking across the grass at Graduation, the one Raven was eyeing. What was he doing here? Was he a vampire? Oh my god! What if he was one of the Vampires that had attacked that night? That could be the only explanation. Why else would he be in this realm? He couldn't be Human right? My panic was rising higher and higher.

"Are you OK?" Asked Willow. I shook my head violently. Flic turned and looked behind her in the direction I had been staring. He wasn't by the door any more. Where is he? My eyes started searching through the crowds of Vampires. He has to be here somewhere.

"What's going on?" Asked Flic. "What's wrong with Honey?" She asked Willow.

"I don't know. Honey?" She grabbed me by the arms and forced me to look at her. "What's wrong?"

"He's here." I breathed. "The party crasher from Graduation."

Something crossed Willow's face and her eyes scanned the room quickly. "Come on." She grabbed me by the arm and hauled me up and out through the nearest exit. "I've got to get you out of here." Flic jumped up from her chair and raced after us. All three of us ran across the grounds to Glendower House. I had no idea how many people we passed or what they were thinking, all I knew was that I had to get back to our room, I had to get away from that man. What if he'd seen me?

All three of us made it back to the suite without any further issue, the door shutting tight behind us. "What's going on?" Asked Flic.

I sat down on the sofa with my head between my knees trying to catch my breath. Willow leant against the kitchen counter catching hers. Flic didn't look like she had a hair out of place. I groaned. Not fair. "Are you sure it was him?" Asked Willow.

I nodded. "I'm sure." I answered, brooking no room for argument. It had definitely been him.

"Who did you see?" Asked Flic.

I looked at Willow for guidance. What did I even say? How could I answer that without spilling the beans on who I was? Willow gave an infinitesimal shake of her head as if warning me against saying anything. Were we just going to pretend like nothing had happened? Flic was right there. I splayed my hands out in front of me, widening my eyes as if to ask Willow what she wanted me to do. She just looked at me. That wasn't helpful.

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