Eww that was gross! "How do you know all this?" That kind of information seemed like it wouldn't be made public, surely.

"I told you, my dad's friends with members of the council."

I wondered if he would be that privy to information if he was just friends with a few members. I looked at Flic suspiciously. She was eyeing me too. "Friends?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

She sighed and put down her cup. "My dad is Christopher Richards." When I just shrugged and didn't respond, she clarified, "Plasmax." She pointed to the machine. I shrugged again, shaking my head. "My dad is the Founder of Plasmax."

"Oh." I guessed that was a big deal. Flic eyed me again. Was I supposed to be more impressed than I was? Was I being rude? "That's cool." I added.

Thankfully, Willow walking in saved me from whatever awkwardness I was bound to get myself into next. She stopped just inside the door and her mouth dropped open, "You're Felicity Richards!"

"You must be Willow. Call me Flic."

Willow looked at me and giggled. "We're rooming with the Plasmax Princess!" She bounced on the spot. I guess the Plasmax thing was definitely more of a big deal than I thought.

Flic just laughed. "You can talk. You're practically royalty yourself with The Crone as your patron."

Willow blushed. "Not really though."

"Close enough," smiled Flic. She gestured around the suite, "This can be our royal court."

Willow laughed and took a seat next to Flic. "So what's it like being the most loved vampire in the realm?"

Flic's eyes saddened for a moment before the smile flashed back into place. "Lots of balls to attend so learning to dance in heels is a must." She laughed.

"I bet your dance card is always full," sighed Willow wistfully.

"There are many suitors, it's true. However I would prefer to fall in love than be married as breeding stock." That look was back in her eyes. Then just as fast she smiled and waved a hand as if dismissing the thought. I guessed there were downsides to being vampire royalty.

Willow seemed to be thinking over what Flic had said, a slight frown on her face. "Hmm, yes I suppose you would definitely be wanted for producing lots of little Ancient babies. Is it true you and your cousin are the most Ancient level Pured?"

Flic's surprise at Willow's bluntness was almost palpable. Hadn't Willow said it was a bit of a taboo subject. "Umm Willow..." I wasn't sure what to say. I remembered back to my first impression of Willow - she was so unfiltered.

Flic burst out laughing and it caught me by surprise. "You know everyone always wonders that but nobody ever asks. I see the assessing eyes and sideways glances when I walk into a room, but everybody always skips over that question." Willow just looked at Flic waiting for an answer. I was starting to wonder myself, but only because it seemed to be a big deal. "Technically I've never gone one on one with an Ancient even though I attend those classes, but yes I believe Scarlet and I are both the closest to the Ancients as one can get with Human blood." She turned to me and explained, "Our mothers were sisters and took to being Vampires better than any of the other Pured. Scarlet's mum died in childbirth. My mother had complications so I'm an only child. Many of the other Pured had issues too so the pressure is on our generation to procreate and produce as many 'little Ancient babies' as possible." She used her fingers as quotations when describing 'little Ancient babies'.

My guess was that she'd heard that term on more than one occasion. "How very 50's," I sighed and shook my head. Flic looked at me puzzled. "What about what you want?" I asked. Flic shrugged, the sadness back briefly. "Do you at least get to say who you marry?"

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