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I knocked on the other three's hotel rooms.

But of course as soon as we got together we all started arguing.

Kennedy covered her ears.

We once again left in anger.

I heard a knock at my door.
It was Agnetha.
Can I come in?
Of course you may sweetheart.
She cried on my chest
I held Agnetha to my chest.
This fight is not your fault it's no one's fault.
But it's going to be okay because I love you so much.
Bjorn adores you.
Benny can't stop raving about how sweet you are.
We all love you my love.
So don't at any point think you're to blame.

I love you too Frida she said still balling.
Easy baby easy.
Agnetha one more thing.
I kissed her forehead.

She was breaking my heart.
I love you Agnetha I love you doll.

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