Don't shut me down

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Bjorn and I were fighting today.

We didn't want the kids to know.
But you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

Bjorn did something stupid at the breakfast table.
Don't be an idiot.
Don't be a nag.
I am not.
You are too.
Am not
Are too.

The kids looked at us.
We were just kidding I said.
Oh okay Kenny said.

I went to the bedroom.
He was already in there.

Look what you did.
No look what you did.

We wrestled to the floor.
We both got up and went to the studio.

Frida sat me down for a few minutes.
Are you okay honey you look like a storm cloud?

I started to cry.
Frida rubbed circles around my back.

Easy easy.
Benny I need a couple of tissues in here.

Oh you poor kid Benny said.

That made it worse.
Okay relax.
Collect yourself.

Go to the bathroom if you need to.
Was it something Bjorn said?

It's worse we wrestled on the floor.
Did you get hurt?

Are you crying because you think Bjorn got hurt?

It's okay Agnetha.
Bjorn can handle it.

I can't.
Shh shh.

Do you want Bjorn?

Uh huh.
Okay it's okay I'll go get Bjorn for you.

Bjorn came over.
Agnetha honey don't cry.

I'm sorry.
Shh shh.

He knelt down to my level.
Come here my love.

We will get through all of our problems.
Because I love you.
And I know you love me too.
You're my world Agnetha I'm not gonna leave you now with three kids in the house I'd never be able to forgive myself.
Those tears in your eyes are pure regret.
I will never hate you my sweetie pie.

We hugged it out.
Stay strong my love.

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