Two for the price of one

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It's been a week since Frida left.

I wanted her to be here with me.
I looked out the window like a puppy for their owner when they are left too long.

Poor kid I heard Agnetha say.

Frida left which means ABBA's over.

Yes honey we are aware.

I hate this feeling it won't go away.

What feeling?
It's not sadness but it's more than that I feel melancholy.

Kennedy you're going to break Frida's heart.

I wrote to her three days ago.
I still haven't gotten my letter.

I think you oughta check the mailbox again.

Yay yay yay my letter came.

I love you bunches and I miss you terribly.
Everything is going well here I hope everything is going well for you.
Also I am touched by the letter you wrote me.
Love you Kennedy.

That's so sweet Kennedy.

I love you bunches too I know you're very busy but I miss hearing your gentle voice.
I hope we can call soon even if it's for 30 seconds.
I really miss your kind heart.

The phone rang all the sudden.

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