-Dreams of Golden Flecks-

Start from the beginning


I awoke with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. The memory of the dream lingered in my mind, taunting me with its beauty and its fleeting nature. I knew that it was just a dream, a fantasy spun from the depths of my subconscious mind. But still, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than that, that it was a glimpse of a reality that could be.

I've been having dreams like that more often than usual now. They always show me that I can confess to Foster and love her like she deserves to be loved.

I lay there in the quiet darkness of my room; I made a silent vow to myself. I would find a way to turn that dream into reality, to make it more than just a fleeting moment in the depths of my mind. I would find a way to show Sophie the depth of my feelings, to let her know that in this vast, magical world, she was the one thing that truly mattered to me.

Was the dream trying to tell me something? Could it be possible that it may be telling me that Foster is slowly discovering her true feelings? I would like to think so, but her obliviousness has me second guessing.

I thought back to the moments we had shared, the moments when I had felt a connection with her that defied logic. Like the time I had carried her to the healing center after she sprained her ankle in P.E, her laughter echoing in my ears as I teased her about her clumsiness, all the while marveling at her resilience and spirit.

And then there was the morning we had spent at the lake, just the two of us, the sun setting in a blaze of colors that matched the fire in my heart. I had kissed her forehead then, a gesture of tenderness that spoke volumes of the affection I held for her. That simple gesture seemed to unlock a floodgate of emotions within her, her heart beating in that familiar flutter that I knew so well. Oh yeah, I've noticed that special flutter.

There's something different about her, and I can sense that it's a positive change. It seems like Foster is finally following her heart. I'm excited to see where this is going. It feels like there's hope for Sophie Foster.

I couldn't ignore the signs anymore. The way Sophie looked at me, the way her smile widened whenever our eyes met, it all pointed to something more, something beyond friendship. Could it be that she felt the same way I did? The thought sent a surge of hope coursing through me, a glimmer of possibility that made my heart soar.

But then again, I don't want to read too much into this. Since I want her to be ready for it. I knew I had to tread carefully, to test the waters before diving headfirst into the unknown. Someday I hope that Foster will discover the love that always finds a way to shine through the darkness, illuminating the path forward with its gentle, guiding light.


As I went along with my day, I sat and painted the moment from my dream on canvas, trying to capture the intensity of emotions that had pulsed through me in that dream, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bittersweetness wash over me. Sophie was a beautiful girl. She was a whirlwind of contradictions—fierce and fragile, independent yet in need of protection. And through it all, she had captured a piece of my heart that I was struggling to reclaim.

I added a touch of gold to the scene, symbolizing the magic that flowed between us in that dream world. The paint glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window, casting dappled shadows on the floor of my art studio. I felt a surge of emotion welling up inside me, a longing that transcended the boundaries of dream and reality.

I continued to paint, my brushstrokes becoming more frenzied as I tried to capture the intensity of my emotions. The colors swirled and danced on the canvas, creating a tapestry of love and longing that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. I was lost in the moment, lost in the memory of that dream where Sophie and I existed in a world of our own making.

But as the painting neared completion, a sense of melancholy settled over me. The reality of our world, with its complications and uncertainties, seemed to seep into the edges of my creation, tainting the purity of the dream that had inspired it. I knew that Sophie and I were bound by more than just paint and canvas, by more than just dreams and desires.

As I put the finishing touches on the painting, I felt a sense of resignation settle over me. Sophie's obliviousness was a puzzle I might never fully solve, a mystery I might never fully unravel. But in that moment, captured forever in the colors and shapes on canvas, I knew that she would always hold a piece of my heart—a piece that belonged to her and her alone. 



"Take my hand, as we stand. Let's face the world. There is nothing that can defeat us. Day and night, you and I. Let's show the world. That nothing will come between us." (Stronger Together-Miraculous Ladybug Movie.)

Keep Being Cool


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