-Another Match Made-

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Biana's POV: 

As I sat next to Tam on the weathered bench on the back porch of Everglen, anticipation and nerves prickling like electricity in the air, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. His strong jawline, soft pale blue eyes, and the way his smile reached all the way to his eyes never failed to make my heart flutter. We held hands, a silent but powerful gesture of unity as we waited for the results of our Eligibility test.

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the park, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of blossoming flowers. The envelope containing our fate lay between us, a simple white rectangle that held the power to change our lives. Tam squeezed my hand, his touch grounding me in the present moment.

"I'm so nervous," I whispered, unable to contain the fluttering in my stomach.

Tam turned to me, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Me too, Biana. But whatever happens, we'll face it together."

His words were like a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. We had been through so much together, and the thought of facing the future without him by my side was unbearable. The silence stretched between us, filled with unspoken hopes and fears.

Finally, with trembling hands, we tore open the envelope. The words on the page blurred for a moment before coming into focus. Matched.

I felt a rush of emotions flood through me – joy, relief, excitement. Tam's face broke into a wide grin, mirroring my own. We had passed the test, and now our future lay before us, brimming with possibilities.

Unable to contain our elation, we leaped up from the bench and embraced, spinning in a whirl of laughter and happiness. The scenery around us seemed to come alive with the sounds of birds chirping, and the gentle sound of water.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, we found a secluded spot under a blossoming cherry blossom tree. We sat down, our shoulders touching, the promise of a new beginning hanging in the air.

"I can't believe it," I said, my voice filled with wonder. "We're really matched."

Tam squeezed my hand, his gaze never leaving mine. "I always knew we were meant to be together, Biana. This just confirms it."

His words sent a rush of warmth through me, dispelling any lingering doubts or fears. We had been through so much – the highs and lows, the laughter and tears – and through it all, our love had only grown stronger.

"Biana," he murmured, his voice as gentle as the evening breeze. "You are my world, my everything. I could get lost in your eyes forever."

I felt my heart swell with love for this man who stood before me, his sincerity touching the deepest parts of my soul. Tam's words wrapped around me like a warm embrace, filling me with a sense of security and belonging that I had never known before.

"You are the light in my darkest moments, the laughter in my silent tears." I whispered back, my voice barely above a breath.

The world around us seemed to fade away as we gazed into each other's eyes, the love and understanding between us a tangible force. In that moment, I knew with certainty that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we were together, we could overcome anything.

As twilight descended over the park, we sat in a comfortable silence, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the evening breeze. The stars began to twinkle in the sky, a canopy of dreams and possibilities stretching out before us.

"Tam," I whispered, breaking the peaceful silence. "I love you."

He turned to me, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I love you too, Biana. With all my heart."

And in that moment, as we sat under the cherry blossom tree, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, I knew that our love was a force of nature, unbreakable and eternal. Together, we had passed the test, and now we were ready to embark on the next chapter of our lives, hand in hand, hearts entwined, ready to face whatever came our way.

Tam put his warm hand on mine and filled me with a sense of comfort and belonging. His eyes locked with mine, filled with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. The cool breeze gently caressed my skin, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers as we stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean below.

I had known Tam for years, and every moment spent with him felt like a blessing. His presence was a soothing balm to my restless soul, grounding me in a way that no one else could. We often came to this spot, where the crashing waves and the rustling of leaves provided the perfect backdrop for our deep conversations and stolen moments of intimacy.

Tonight seemed different, though, as if the universe had aligned to create the perfect setting for something more. I could feel the tension in the air, crackling like electricity between us. As we gazed into each other's eyes, I could see the love and longing reflected in his, mirroring my own emotions.

Without a word, Tam leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin. My heart raced as his lips met mine in a tender yet passionate kiss. In that moment, the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us suspended in time and space.

The kiss was like a symphony of emotions, a crescendo of desire and love that left me breathless. It was as if all the unsaid words and unspoken feelings between us had found a voice in that single act of connection. I felt my soul entwined with his, bound by an invisible thread that transcended time and space.

When we finally pulled away, I felt a sense of euphoria washing over me, a wave of contentment that filled every fiber of my being. Tam's eyes held a depth of emotion that made my heart ache with joy and vulnerability. In that moment, I knew that we were meant to be together, that our souls were intertwined in a way that defied logic and reason.

As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, I realized that this kiss was not just a momentary spark, but a promise of a future filled with love and togetherness. I knew that whatever challenges life threw our way, we would face them together, united in our love and commitment to each other.

As Tam reluctantly left, the warmth of his presence still lingering in the air, I sat alone, gazing out at the darkening sky. Thoughts of our shared moment, of the love that bound us, swirled in my mind like a whirlwind of emotions. In that quiet solitude, I pondered the depth of my feelings for Tam, the certainty that he was the one meant for me, the missing piece of my soul I had been searching for.

I went up and sat in my room, the soft glow of the setting sun painting the walls in hues of amber and gold, my thoughts were consumed by one person - Tam. Tam, with his creamy skin that seemed to radiate warmth, his pink lips that curved into a captivating smile, and his pale blue eyes that held a depth of emotion I could never quite fathom. His eyes, flecked with silver, sparkled with mischief and kindness in equal measures.

I closed my eyes, the image of him vivid in my mind. His tousled black hair, with silver-tipped bangs that always seemed to fall into his eyes, giving him a perpetually endearing look. Tam was not just handsome; he was a work of art, a masterpiece that I was privileged to have in my life.

Tam had a way of making me feel alive, of igniting a fire within me that I had never known existed. With him, I felt like I was soaring through the clouds, free from the burdens of the world. Every touch, every glance, every word he spoke was like a symphony playing in my heart, filling me with a joy so profound it took my breath away.

I was so excited to see what laid ahead for Tam and me. I know it was going to be amazing.  


*There's some Tiana for ya. A nice chapter of them getting their letter. :D*

"Just like the night sky comes alive I just wanna make her my starlight, she's like a full moon, hot like the sun, shines a light on everyone my starlight, Oh Oooh she's my starlight." (Starlight-Nevereast)

Keep Being Cool


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