-The Letter's Arrival-

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A/N: "Heaven Knows" Five for Fighting

Sophie's POV: 

I sat on the edge of my bed, holding the letter in my hands. It had arrived earlier that day, but I had been too nervous to open it. Now, as I sat in my room, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirled inside me. This letter held the answer to the question that had been plaguing me for months: Were Fitz and I a match? The thought of finding out made my heart race and my palms sweaty.

The words "Match Eligibility Results" were scrawled across the envelope in bold, black ink. My heart raced in my chest as I contemplated the contents of that letter. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for, hoping for, ever since... well, ever since I had first laid eyes on Fitz.

Finally, it decided to make an appearance. I never thought it would come, but it did. Now I'm not sure what to think about its arrival. I find myself thinking about Fitz and what his reaction will be to the letter, as he probably knows by now. Then again, I don't think he does because he would have come over to share the excitement of our happiness. Except now I'm not sure it's happiness just yet.

The letter's late arrival caused a lot of doubt to arise within me. Things that I would have never thought about before until now. Before I felt decently confident about this and now it has fallen down the drain. The letter screamed at me the same question my brain has been haunting me with. 'Is this what you truly want'

I lay back in frustration. I don't know what I want. Being with Fitz seemed like a logical answer, with me having some sort of feelings for him and him having feelings for me. It seemed simply right. But no, not when everything is so complicated. Sometimes I think too much and make things a bigger deal than they need to be. Being with him should be a dream come true right? Yes, it should but in that's in dreamland this is reality.

I took a deep breath and glanced around my room, as if drawing strength from the familiarity of the space. My eyes landed on the bookshelf that held all my favorite reads, the posters of the stars adorning my walls, and the desk where I had spent countless hours studying. This room, with its comforting aura, had become my sanctuary.

But now, it felt like a chamber of anticipation, and I couldn't escape the nervous knot that had formed in my stomach. The letter taunted me, its weight heavy in my hands. I longed to know the contents inside, to finally put an end to all the questions swirling in my mind. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. The minutes ticked by slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

"Everything will be fine, Sophie," Edaline said, entering my room. Her calming presence brought me a sense of comfort. "You've been through so much already. Trust that whatever the letter says, it's meant to be."

Her words offered solace, but I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. "What if we're not a match?" I whispered; my voice filled with fear. Edaline sat beside me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Then it wasn't meant to be, Sophie," she said gently. "But I believe in the bond you and Fitz share. No matter what happens, there's a reason for everything." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I know how anxious you must be feeling right now, but remember, no matter the outcome, you are strong and capable of handling whatever comes your way."

"I also understand how important this is to you. But no matter what the letter says, please remember that you are more than just a match. You are a kind, smart, and compassionate person. Your worth is not determined by the outcome of a test." I felt tears pricking the corners of my eyes as her words washed over me. Edaline always knew the right things to say, giving me the strength and reassurance that I needed.

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