-The Truth of Sophie's Match-

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A/N: "If You Love Her" Forest Blakk

Keefe's POV:

Alone in my room, I couldn't bear to be around my friends, especially when they talked about the test. It always reminds me that I will never have Foster. The universe seems to favor Fitz, the golden boy, while the rest of us must sulk and be miserable.

Oh, wait, that's my life. I have a terrible life. My feelings for Foster have been buried down. They will never see the light of day again.

Ro enters my room. "Hunkyhair this arrived for you." She says handing me a letter. Oh, great I wonder what this will be. Opening the letter I start reading its contents.

Dear Mr. Keefe Sencen,

We require your immediate presence.

An urgent matter has come to our attention, and we would like to discuss it with you as soon as possible. It concerns Sophie Foster and Fitz Vacker's match test, and we have made a rather unexpected discovery regarding Sophie's match. We understand the gravity of this situation and believe your unique insight may be valuable in resolving it.

Please join us at the Matchmakers' Headquarters tomorrow at noon. Your presence is essential.


The Matchmakers

Wait what? What could be the matter about Foster's match? Did it fly off the charts and the Matchmakers want to brag about it to me. No, no that's not it, they take matchmaking very seriously so I doubt they would do that.

"What does it say Hunkyhair" Ro asked curiously. "I need to go meet with the Matchmakers. They say when they tested Sophie and Fitz, they found something strange regarding Sophie's match." I told her.

"Hmm. Maybe they found that Fitz is a ding dong and can't figure out how to treat a girl right. Or maybe they finally realized that Mr. Perfect Pants isn't exactly the perfect match for our dear little Blondie. I can't say I blame them. Have you seen how he treats a girl? It's..." Ro paused for dramatic effect, "...absolutely atrocious!" Ro chuckled a little evilly. I laugh, good gracious sometimes I either love Ro or I dislike her after some prank she pulls. But when she pulls jokes at the perfect.

After some chatting later Ro leaves me alone with my thoughts. My thoughts returned to the letter.

I sat anxiously in my room, my thoughts swirling like a chaotic storm. I had received a letter from the Matchmakers summoning him to an urgent meeting. The subject of the meeting? Sophie and Fitz. My heart sank at the mere thought of the two of them together. Sophie already held my heart in her delicate hands, and now Fitz was in the picture too. It was a constant battle of emotions; a war I was fighting alone.

Arriving at the Matchmakers' office, I could feel the tension in the air. The normally cheerful and vibrant room was somber, the matchmakers gathered around a table covered in papers and scrolls.

As the testing came to an end, the matchmaker stepped forward, his expression grave. "Keefe, we have completed the test," he began. "Unfortunately, it has failed."

I tried to mask my disappointment, feigning indifference. "Why does that have anything to do with me?" Like seriously are they really going to tell me that someone else is perfect for Foster. Can't this get any worse than it already it.

The matchmaker's gaze softened, his voice gentle. "We found something unusual, something unexpected. Sophie's test revealed her true match."

A sliver of hope pierced through my heart. The room fell silent, everyone waiting for the matchmaker to reveal Sophie's true match - the person who held the key to her heart. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, anticipation and fear coiling within me.

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