Chapter 27

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Harika stared at her and Kaida's room door with a small frown, then looked out the window at the night sky before turning her attention back to the room door. Her sister walked over all dressed and ready for bed, her head tilted as she eyed the unmoving door with confusion. "Where's Father?"Kaida asks since Neuvillette had never been this late to wishing them goodnight and tucking both girls in. Harika looked down at the thank you gift in her hand, quickly looking at the door when it opened. Tan peeked in and perked up, his eyes widening. "Girls? Why're you still awake?"Tan asks startled as he quickly entered. "Where's Papa?"Harika asks showing Tan her gift. "Did Damion not tell you?"Tan asks looking apologetic. "Tell us what? We weren't told anything"Kaida questions blinking twice. A vein bursted into view, Tan giving them a gritting teeth smile. He relaxed and softened his expression. "The master will return late this time"Tan informs.

"Does he have extra work?"Harika blinked feeling disappointed now. Tan pursed his lips together, rubbing the back of his head. "I's better if he tells you when he's ready." The two girls looked at each other and sighed, deciding not to push for a proper answer. Tan ushered them into bed, tucking them both in and patting their heads. "Goodnight"Tan grinned. "Night!" Goodnight." Harika set her gift aside and sighed, closing her eyes. "Are you sure?" Her eyes bursted open at the sound of her fathers voice, quickly sitting up. She looked over at Kaida who had also sat up. Both flew out of bed, looking out the window between their beds. Neuvillette walked in the garden below, a black haired woman with dark violet eyes walking beside him laughter coming from her. "P-Papa..."Harika stared stunned. Neuvillette stopped, and turned to the smiling woman. Kaida glanced at Harika, noticing her expression. Harika turned away and laid back down in bed, tossing the blanket over her head. "Hari..."Kaida mutters.


Neuvillette stared at the two girls, his eyes moving from one to the other. "Happy Birthday." Kaida dropped her fork startled, her eyes wide as she looked down. Macy picked the fork up, Tan bringing over a new one. "Thanks..."Harika mutters poking at her pancakes. "Hari, are you feeling sick?"Neuvillette asks reaching over and placing a hand on her forehead. "No"Harika answers flatly. "You love pancakes..."Neuvillette frowned concerned. "And you like not telling us certain things." Neuvillette perked up, his gaze shooting over to the three adults. Macy shook her head, looking as stunned as he did. Tan looked sharply at Damion only to see that the male was as shocked as the rest of them were. "Hari..."Kaida mutters Harika huffing. " going on?" The two girls stiffened at how firm his tone got, tense silence adding to the room. "Girls, explain to me what has happened"Neuvillette orders leaning back, keeping his eyes on them both. Kaida glanced at her silent sister, fiddling with her dress.

"We saw you last night..."Harika mutters Tan's eyes widening. The man stared at her, purple-blue eyes scanning her nervous expression. "You both saw me with Cara last night?"Neuvillette sighs looking at Damion who hid behind Tan. Tan shoved Damion out from behind him, glaring at the male. Harika glanced away, silence filling the room again. "After you both turned fourteen your mother came and walloped me." Kaida snorted slapping her hands over her mouth to keep from giggling as Harika looked at the expressionless man. "Why?"Harika questions since her mother had walloped him only once before during the whole Anubis, Agna and Haku incident. "She told me that she wanted to see me find someone again.."Neuvillette answers looking at her. Harika perked up surprised, Kaida smiling slightly across from her. "She told me to find someone that I'd love as much as I loved her....I met Cara not too long after that small beat down..."Neuvillette went on. "It seems....that your mother sent her my way."

Harika looked down, opening and closing her mouth. "I don't blame you for getting upset with me, I should have at least warned you kids..."Neuvillette says reaching over and taking her hand. He smiled, bring his hand up and placed it on her head. "But I do hope you two can meet her one day." Kaida looked down at her half eaten breakfast then looked up, finding Harika wolfing down her pancakes. Harika coughed and hit her chest. Neuvillette smiled, his eyes closed as he handed her his cup of water. "Eat slow, Hari"Neuvillette reminds resuming where he had stopped. Running feet made the three look over, Haku struggling to button his shirt and fix his robes. "Someone has finally awoken"Neuvillette greets amused as the boy took his seat next to Kaida. Haku held still as Macy brushed his hair with a spare brush. "Sorry, I overslept"Haku mutters as Damion sets his plate down in front of him. "We can tell"Kaida giggled glad the mood was light again.


Harika smiled, petting Tsunami. A hand patted the monsters neck, Deslyn standing there. "Hi Uncle Deslyn"Harika greets looking up at him. "I heard from Tan about the whole breakfast thing, you feeling alright"Deslyn nods placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked down, a swirl of emotions filling her. She sighed, Tsunami nudging her in an attempt to bring her comfort. "I feel weird hearing about someone who's not Mama...I was hurt at first"Harika responds. Deslyn sighed, nodding in understanding. "I felt the same when my mother remarried, I felt angry, hurt and above all betrayed....but I came around to my family and eventually accepted them"Deslyn explains petting Tsunami again careful not to anger him. He patted her head, smiling down at her. "Just give it time and let yourself adjust, don't force the matter"Deslyn advised. She nodded, giving him a grateful smile. "How did you and Aunt Furina meet?"Harika asks suddenly. Laughter came from the man, his hands on his knees.

She flushed in embarrassment, watching him laugh at her question. "You had all those years to ask and you suddenly ask this now"Deslyn chuckles wiping a tear away. "I wasn't as curious as before!! Aunt Furina loves you and you love her, that was all that matters to me!"Harika cried flailing her arms around. Deslyn shook his head and laughed when she started punching his chest and arm. "Meanie Uncle Deslyn!!"Harika scolds glaring at him pouting. He caught her hands and ran away, grinning as she chased after him. He stopped and looked around curiously, Harika bursting from behind a clumb of bushes and tackling him down with ease. He chuckled, rolling over and fixing his hair so he didn't get scolded later on. "You don't have to answer my question, I know it was sudden"Harika says flopping down on his back. He smirked at her amused. "We met not far from Liyue." She perked up, Deslyn looking away with a fond expression. "I was sword training"Deslyn chuckles.

Deslyn swung his sword, sweat coating his face as he stumbled. He grabbed his side where his healing scar was and narrowed his eyes, swinging his sword again. "If you're hurt then go and sit down, take a rest." He whipped around and aimed his sword at a small woman, a hostile glint in his eyes. He froze stunned, staring down at her. "Hey, your weapon"The woman reminds. He tossed his sword away, his eyes wide alarmed. "Apologies"Deslyn mutters bowing his head. Hands grabbed his shirt, making him jump with a start as the woman gazed at his bandaged side. "That's a huge scar..."Small Lady comments eyeing it. "I had a training incident"Deslyn mutters rubbing the back of his head. She looked at him, and poked his wound a yell coming from him. "Furina." He blinked twice, looking down at her. "My name is Furina." His gaze stayed on Furina, noticing her reddening cheeks. He chuckled, smiling down at her. "I'm Deslyn"Deslyn smiled Furina looking up at him. "It's nice to meet you...Furina."

Harika giggled, beaming at the smiling man. "Aunt Furina poked your wound?"Harika giggled getting a small chuckle from her uncle. "Yep"Deslyn grinned looking fond of the memory. "Deslyn!" He looked up, Harika grinning practically able to see an invisible wagging tail behind the man. "Deslyn, come here"Furina calls looking around. Deslyn shot up, rushing over to Furina, his eyes sparkling as he towered over her. "Really"Furina smiled amused. He nodded, a giddy smile on his face. Furina sighed, Deslun leaning down letting his forehead and nose touch hers. "I love you.."Furina mumbles. "I love you too"Deslyn smiled. Harika smiled at them, perked up, and beamed when she noticed the guests had arrived. "Harika!"Tsukiko waved beaming, Zhongli and Mia following behind her. Kaida came outside beaming, Roa following close behind her holding her capelet. "Kaida"Prissy beamed Gia and Gin with her, Gorou and Childe following the kids. Neuvillette nodded in greeting, smiling. "Shall we begin the celebration?"

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