Chapter 16

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Harika stared, finding herself in the halls of her home. It was strange. This was strange. Wasn't she just reading the book. That's what she remembered at least. Music reached her ears, her feet automatically walking towards the noise, her hair gently swaying behind her with each step. She stopped, noticing the painting of her parents weren't on the wall. The last painting her father had with her mother before she passed on. The music got louder as she continued, lifting her hand to open the door only for her to pass right through it. "OH!"Harika yelped moving her hand away. She sighed and stepped through the closed door, noticing Uru immediately only the woman looked younger. "Lady Adiva, Monsieur Neuvillette!"Uru smiled clasping her hands together. Harika looked over, her eyes widening. Neuvillette twirled Adiva, smiling down at the beaming woman. Adiva stepped away from him and spun, her expression softening. Uru beamed, her eyes starting to water.

Harika stared at Uru, now seeing how much the head maid enjoyed seeing her parents together. "Uru..."Harika says. "OH!" Adiva's eyes widened slightly, Neuvillette lifting her into the air, his hands on her waist. Laughter came from her as he set her down. "Sneak"Adiva giggled walking away. "Huh"Harika blinked perking up. Her mother was bare-footed! What the heck. She stared in complete shock, having been taught basic etiquette by Navia and Clorinde during her time growing up. "My lady, should I grab you-"Uru begins. "You know I hate having my feet restrained, Uru, but thank you for the offer"Adiva chuckles. She sat down and picked up a tea cup, Harika instantly knowing what tea it was due to the smell. The doors opened behind Harika, Clorinde and Navia coming in. "Girls day!"Navia smiled. Neuvillette looked out the window suddenly, Adiva giggling as she looked at the man. "Hon, I'll be back"Adiva smiled wrapping her arms around his left arm. "Okay..."Neuvillette smiled looking down at her. "Let's go"Adiva beamed walking away with the two.


Harika shot up, her eyes wide in surprise, finding Kaida beside her looking concerned. She stared, noticing something purple hanging from her sisters ear right. "What is that?"Harika asks pointing to the strange looking earring. "Lyney calls it a vision, he said it'd be useful"Kaida responds touching the item hanging from her ear. "Oh, you have one two, I woke up to them on the desk, Lyney was surprised when I asked him about it! Suggested that we should keep them!"Kaida adds Harika looking mildly curious. She hurried to the desk and hurried back, handing a blue version of the vision to her. Harika brought it to her ear, then lowered her hands. "Too bad we don't match!"Kaida chuckles smiling slightly. "Girls." Lyney walked in and looked at them both. "Hungry?"Lyney smiled glad to see them awake. "Oh yes, thank you!"Kaida nods looking relieved. Lyney nodded and walked over. "Find anything?"Lyney asks looking at the opened book. "Not yet, I fell asleep"Kaida responds.

"Lyney! We have lots of guests!" Lyney's head shot up, looking startled. He hurried to the door, nearly crashing into his wife. "Guests? Nobodies supposed to know where this place is! Wriothesley made sure of that when he suggested we come here!"Lyney says alarmed. "It's a bunch of kids..."Mila explains looking curious. "Kids..."Lyney repeats his eyes widening. "Is it who I think it is?!"Kaida gasped looking hopeful. She and Harika took off out of the room, their hair flying behind them as they rushed to the entrance. Familiar faces made them freeze, finding their friends standing there. "Dad Association!"Tsukiko cheered the others joining in. Karla smiled, Alhaitham's son in a baby carrier on her back, a baby bag in her hand. "We came for you guys!"Kain grinned. "We weren't letting you guys handle this on your own"Domino agrees Darla beaming. "How'd you all find out?"Kaida asks as Roa walked over to her. "Overheard our parents, sorry about your dad"Roa responds.

He hugged her, rubbing her back as she gripped his shirt. "I'm glad you're here"Kaida mutters moving back, rubbing her eyes. "I'll always be around"Roa promised taking her hand. "Where's Gabe?"Harika asks surprised to not see him among the others. "Right here." And arm wrapped around her waist pulling her back as a hand grabbed her wrist, Gabe looking over her shoulder. "You're trouble"Gabe comments amused by her startled expression. Her face turned red, starting to heat up at how close he was. "Hey." Roa and Gabe moved away, Lyney staring them down with narrowed eyes. "He's not even their dad"Gabe whispers leaning close to Roa. "Yeah, why is he so protective..."Roa agreed looking a bit dejected that he couldn't be close to Kaida. "Harika, Kaida, you're being searched for, according to the letters sent to our homes, your dad fell into some kind of coma"Karla informs stepping forward. "A coma.."Kaida mutters stunned. "They need you to come back to Fontaine!"Glory pipes up.


Uru stared down at Neuvillette, then eyes the glowing pink petal worriedly. "Monsieur?"Uru says placing a hand on his arm. The door opened, Uru turning around. Agna peeked in, looking curious. "Is daddy okay?"Agna asks stepping fully into the room. Uru stared her down, then relaxed and straightened herself up. "The master will be fine, but you are not allowed in here.."Uru responds coldly. Agna stared up at her then averted her gaze by looking down. Giggling came from the pink haired girl, her head lifting as she smiled wide. "You have been suspicious of me from the start...and with good reason too"Agna giggled looking quite smug. She walked closer, Uru flinching as an ominous feeling started coming from the girl. Agna lunged for Neuvillette, her hand turning pitch black. "NO!" Uru threw herself into the unconscious man, Agna's eyes widening. She looked down and fell to the ground, her hair curtaining her face. "Is everyone here stupid..."Agna asks. "Now I gotta recharge by killing a Melusine...disappointing, that's what this is.."Agna huffs turning away.

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