Chapter 23

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Anubis stretched and yawned, Haku looking at him. He sat back on a crate, his legs crossed. "D-Did you have to hurt them both"Haku demands walking over to him. He looked at the winged demon, then looked away annoyed, his eyes narrowed finding this kid weak, now regretting using his power to help him. "It's just a small warning to Hari, she'll come around now"Anubis chuckles looking at his nails. Footsteps caused his head to lift, his eyes widening. A male with blond hair reaching down to his ankles walked in, yellow green eyes staring right at him. "The sheer...audacity you have"Anubis snarled. He got to his feet, pure rage showing on his face. "THE AUDACITY YOU HAVE AFTER YOU HELPED THAT WRETCHED WOMAN!!"Anubis yells. Silence followed from the blond, staring at him. "SPEAK!! FREYAN! DEMIGOD OF HEALING!!" Freyan sighed and bowed his head. "You have such a loud mouth.."Freyan mutters scratching his head. "Can we finish this?"Freyan asks looking up.

"What.."Anubis stared startled. A splash made Anubis scream in pain, flailing his arms as he covered his eyes. "WHAT IS THIS!??"Anubis yells looking at his smoking arms. His eyes widened, then looked up finding Deslyn there. Another bucket of water was poured onto him, Clorinde coming into view when screams erupted from the demon. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"Anubis cried gripping his throbbing chest. Clorinde leaped down as he fell to his knees, Gabe and Roa rushing in past Freyan. She pressed the barrel of her gun to his head, staring him down. "Be grateful, Harika decided to be merciful...but had it been my choice the moment the water weakened you, I'd have shot you down..."Clorinde says staring him down. "Nobody touches Adiva's girls and gets away with it." Anubis fell face first into the ground, smoke still rising from his body. "He's unconscious"Clorinde reports. All eyes immediately went to Haku, causing the demon to freeze. 

"Die.."Freyan says lifting his rifle. He fired a shot, Haku screaming as he shielded his face. Light surrounded the winged demon, his eyes wide as he looked at his hands. He touched his now white hair, then started to cry when he looked at his hands. "He's so small"Deslyn mumbles looking over Clorinde's shoulder. "Skinny..."Gabe adds poking the boys cheek. "This whole time you were a scared child...."Roa mutters Freyan putting his rifle away. "Job well done.."Navia greets walking in. She glared at Anubis, giving him a little kick to the head. "Don't wanna dirty my shoes too much"Navia huffs laughing coming from Gabe. "Not really, Haku isn't completely he-"Freyan starts rubbing his chest. Coughing came from the child, his hands flying to his mouth. Blood stained the boys clothes, his eyes staring at his reddened hands. "Damn...looks like Anubis gave him the Neuvillette treatment"Freyan mumbles alarmed. Deslyn caught the boy when he fainted, Haku's breathing turning ragged.


Neuvillette walked beside Adiva, the wind blowing through their hair. She held his hand, their fingers intertwined. "How much longer will I be unable to see our girls..."Neuvillette asks looking down at her. "Not much longer, love"Adiva smiled meeting his gaze. His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. "I don't wish to let you go but I cannot leave our daughters alone, I understand how you feel now, having to choose between their life and yours"Neuvillette mutters closing his eyes. "And I feel ashamed for trying to make you choose between us." Hands gently rested themselves on his chest, a small smile on Adiva's face as his forehead rested against hers. "I apologize for everything.."Neuvillette mutters. Adiva stared up at him, noticing what he wanted to ask. "They're here with me"Adiva smiled. "The Melusine's Agna killed...I'm taking care of them all here"Adiva smiled. "Joy as well...?"Neuvillette asks. "Yes, Joy as well"Adiva smiled. A nod came from him, but a small smile followed.

He fell backwards, Adiva letting out a yelp of surprise. She landed on his chest, and laughed pushing herself up. "You don't change!"Adiva laughed placing a hand on her chest. She flipped her hair back and sighed, giggling quietly. A chuckle came from the man below her, flowers now in his hair. She pouted at him, her bottom lip poking out. "My dear, you know, I could never resist that look"Neuvillette smiled sitting up. His smile faded, hands resting on her waist. "I wish you told me..."Neuvillette says staring at her. Adiva looked away, his gaze watching her expression change through several different emotions. "Would you have still loved me..if you knew I had been a that's not supposed to exist?"Adiva asks quietly. He pressed a kiss to her forehead then cheek then neck, his arms wrapped around her waist, turning his attention back to her. "Yes"Neuvillette responds. She stared at him then rested her head on his shoulder, his fingers running through her hair. "I'll love you even after the world ends..."


Harika stared at Anubis, keeping him tied to a chair using ropes of water, her vision glowing. Kaida stood beside her, her vision glowing as well. "I can't believe he's really here in the flesh, it feel so unnatural"Lyney mutters walking around the chair, analyzing the demon. Anubis opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of the ropes keeping him still. He yelled in pain, the primordial sea water causing his wrists, shoulder, legs and ankles to start smoking. "He's been out of the sea for a few years now, it's gonna start injuring him it seems.."Navia wonders. Harika tightened the ropes of water around the yelling man, causing him to scream in agony. "She takes after you, Clorinde, in not giving a care about her enemies"Wriothesley smiled looking quite amused. "I am her godmother, am I not?"Clorinde says simply hiding her proud smile. Kaida watched silently, then placed her hand on her sisters shoulder, Harika loosening the grip of the water ropes. "HOW- HOW DID YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON THIS STUFF!!"Anubis yells. "You really wanna know, I'll tell you"Harika glared.

Harika walked after Wriothesley and Clorinde, Kaida following behind her. "Gabe, Roa, you two stay back with me..we'll watch from here"Navia insists stopping the two with her umbrella. "Yes ma'am..."Gabe mutters keeping his eyes on Harika. Harika walked down the stairs, looking curious. "We're right behind you Hari.."Clorinde reminds Wriothesley placing himself in a ready stance. Harika sighed, staring then lifted her hands. The ground around her shook, all eyes on her as she removed the seal. Her hands trembled, the water bursting out coming down towards her. "Hari!"Clorinde yells leaping down, rushing towards her. Running came from behind them, Navia looking back. Solitary Suanni charged past the woman, and leaped down, passing Wriothesley and Clorinde. "Huh!"Navia gasped rushing over, watching the creature. Solitary Suanni leaped down, curling around Harika the water engulfing them both. Clorinde gasped, her eyes wide. "HARIKA!"

Gabe started forward but Navia grabbed his arm, shaking her head. Clorinde stared in visible disbelief, then turned and rushed back as the water rushed at her. Seashell flew over with Kaida on her back, gathering the two adults and taking off after Navia, Gabe and Roa. Navia looked back and gasped. "WAIT! LOOK!!" All heads turned, the water frozen mid wave before it started flowing backwards. Harika walked out with Solitary Suanni behind her, glowing blue horns now flowing down her back following her hair, a large bottle of the primordial sea water in her free hand. "Harika..."Clorinde says relieved. Harika smiled and nodded, her vision glowing. "Kaida, I need your help, let's save Papa, alright"Harika smiled her eyes glowing. Kaida nodded, her vision flickering before it glowed brightly. "Tsunami, follow close behind"Harika smiled looking at Solitary Suanni. Tsunami nodded, staring down at her. She turned to the water, walking it back to the seal, Kaida walking after her. 

Seashell and Tsunami followed the two, entering the room as Harika carefully made sure every last drop made it back into the seal. She handed the bottle of primordial sea water to Clorinde, then clapped her hands, a new seal reappearing. Kaida leaped down and swung her hand up in a arc, electricity sparking around her, reinforcing the area. She pointed to four spots, directing the electricity to the areas. "....Monsieur Neuvillette would be so proud of them right now"Navia smiled watching the two girls. "As would Lady Adiva...these two have grown up so much, soon they won't need us as much anymore"Clorinde agreed a small smile on her face. Kaida leaped up and landed, smiling at her sister. "Good job you two!"Roa cheered clapping. "You both were amazing!"Gabe grinned nodding to them. Clorinde and Navia hugged the two, smiles on their faces. "You girls were just like your parents, good job."

Anubis stared with wide eyes, letting out a small nervous laugh. " wouldn't send me back would you..."Anubis asks smiling at her, starting to sweat. "I've been with you since you first started spending time with your dad...didn't that mean anything?"Anubis smiled. "It did, until you decided to try and take my child from me"Neuvillette says walking into the room. The two girls turned, their eyes wide. "DAD!" "PAPA!!" Both hugged him, his arms wrapping around them. "How the hell..."Anubis stared. "Apologies, I asked for backup in order to wake him"Freyan smiled walking in with Nahida beside him. "Thank you for the energy boost.."Freyan smiled. "My pleasure, but you owe me one"Nahida says turning and walking away. "Yes mistress"Freyan says watching her go. "I think it's time we passed judgement upon him, girls"Neuvillette suggests. "Yeah"Kaida says. "Agreed"Harika says. The three stared Anubis down, their eyes narrowed. Anubis stared at them wide eyed, his fists trembling.

"Anubis...I sentence you to a life in the reinforced prison!"

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