Chapter 26: A few years later

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The sound of scribbling filled a room, Neuvillette silently working on documents. Two Sixteen year old girls beamed as they ran into his office, laughter coming from them. "Daddy!"Harika beamed throwing her arms around his neck. "Father!"Kaida smiled hurrying over. "Girls, I told you not to interrupt your father!"Macy scolds Marla gripping her dress. "Sorry! We're just so excited! Aunt Furina is visiting with Uncle Deslyn and Cousin Galahad and Cousin Marthia, it's been so long you know!"Harika beamed giggling as she clasped her hands together. "It's been a week and a half!"Macy laughed shaking her head. "Where's Haku?"Neuvillette asks looking at the two girls. "Right here, Dad." A eleven year old white hair boy walked in, hair reaching nearly to his shoulders, five books in hand. "I was studying..."Haku informs rubbing the back of his head, looking a bit sleepy. "What did we say about getting a good nights rest, Haku!?"Kaida scolds Harika pinching and pulling the boys cheeks as punishment.

"Ah, Happy early birthday you two"Neuvillette smiled looking up from his papers. "Tomorrow we'll be seventeen!"Kaida clapped excited. Harika nodded, laughing. "I can't wait!"Harika beamed Haku attempting to sneak away. "You are NOT off the hook!" Haku laughed as his sisters scolded him, ruffling his hair up and poking his ticklish areas. "Girls! Our guests are here!" Both girls bolted out, Haku gasping before he laughed and gave chase following his sisters. The three ran full speed down the hallway. Furina scolded her son, fixing the five year olds hair, her eyes narrowed. A three year old girl held the boys hair, Deslyn holding a baby in his arms. "Marthia, Galahad, you two-"Furina sighed. "Aunt Furina"Haku greets waving to her. "Hey you three, how are you"Furina smiled as the two girls ran over and hugged her, Haku trotting over after them. "We're doing great!"Kaida beamed wearing her mothers genie lamp necklace. Harika nodded, her mothers pocket watch pendant thumping against her chest.

Haku pulled Neuvillette's pocket watch out of his pocket, checking the time then looking out the window. "My tutor is waiting for me, I gotta go so I'm not late, it's history class at this time"Haku informs pocketing the watch. "Have fun with your studies, glad to see you're dedicating yourself to them"Deslyn nods Galahad looking over at the white haired boy. "Thanks Uncle Deslyn"Haku smiled waving to them. He jogged away, vanishing into the right hallway, a small happy pep in his step. "Let's go out to the garden, we have a surprise for you both you know"Furina grinned as Neuvillette entered the area. "I wonder what the surprise is this time!"Kaida beamed looking at her sister. "Yeah, I'm always excited for Aunt Furina and Uncle Deslyn's presents"Harika clapped already excited to see what the gift for them was. Neuvillette chuckled and nodded to Deslyn, but stared him down making the other man sweat a little. "Then let's go!"Furina smiled holding Galahad and Marthia's hands.


"Where is the gift?"Harika asks looking around. Kaida blinked, looking confused. "Yes, where is said gift"Neuvillette says eyeing Furina and Deslyn. Tsunami and Seashell looked over, Damion and Tan tending to the two. The flowers rustled, two figures popping out of them leaping at the girls. Harika yelped, falling over, her eyes wide. Gabe smiled down at her, looking amused, his long hair in a low ponytail. Roa grinned, a startled Kaida in his lap. "Hey"Roa chuckled the tip of his nose touching hers. "Neuvillette, they're almost grown"Furina reminds noticing how the man tightened his grip on his cane. "Ah did you hear the news?"Deslyn asks Neuvillette getting his attention. "News?"Neuvillette asks. "Venti got married yesterday, I got invited so me and Furina attended with the kids"Deslyn informs watching the girls catch up with Gabe and Roa. "You don't look too happy about the marriage"Neuvillette comments. "Because Venti rizzed up and married his little sister!"Furina giggled Deslyn growling

"I had leapt across the table and near strangled him when Darcia showed him to me"Deslyn snarled his eyes narrowed. "How did the two meet?"Neuvillette asks genuinely curious now since Deslyn seems so riled up. "The pervert used the wind to blow through my baby sisters dress! I almost stabbed him had Darcia not defended the gremlin!"Deslyn roared getting the chattering teens attention from by the flowers. Galahad leaped up and wrapped his arms around his fathers hand. The man looked down at his son and relaxed, Furina smiling in amusement. "What a relief that his kids can calm him"Furina chuckles watching her husband crouch down letting the kids play with his hair, their six week old baby strapped to his chest. Neuvillette nodded, watching his daughters continue their talk with Roa and Gabe. "You've gotten taller, how dare you!"Kaida grinned Roa laughing. "Taller than my dad for sure!"Roa laughed looking quite proud.

"My Dad and Aunt Candice were worried about me coming, but they trusted me in the end, I can take care of myself now"Gabe grinned looking quite proud of himself. "HEY!" Running feet made the two turn, blond hair filling the twin girls vision. Karla laughed, laying on top of the two, Kaveh carrying wrapped presents. "Hey girls, we traveled here to see you"Kaveh greets smiling at them as he made his way over, carefully balancing the gifts in his hands. "Cousin Kaveh! You came too!"Kaida greets waving to him. Kaveh chuckled waving  back to them, setting the gifts down when he reached them. "Open them"Kaveh smiled Neuvillette walking over and standing beside him. Harika unwrapped her gift, her eyes sparkling at her fixed music box, the ballerina popping out and spinning slowly as the music played. "I was wondering where this went, thank you, Cousin Kaveh!"Harika smiled Gave wrapping an arm around her giving her a small grin. "Wow!"Kaida beamed her eyes lighting up at the carved dragon statue.

"Thanks, Cousin Kaveh!"Kaida beamed Roa chuckling beside her. "Where's Haku?"Karla asks curiously, brushing some hair back behind her ear. "He's busy with classes, has been dedicating himself to them quite a lot"Neuvillette explains a small smile on his face. "His room is nearly a library right now!"Kaida giggled Harika trying to muffle her laughter. "I like my little library, thanks sis." Haku walked over, fixing his wizard like robes, carrying a history book in hand. "You should come back to Sumeru and study at the academy"Kaveh smiled looking impressed. Haku remained silent for a moment then smiled and shook his head. "I'm good, I like learning at home where I can see my family during tutor breaks"Haku smiled shuffling his feet a little embarrassed by his own words. "Aw! Haku!"Harika giggled standing up and hugging him causing Gabe to huff. "We should prepare for the party, right girls"Furina smiled skipping over. "Yeah!" Deslyn walked over, carrying the kids, smiling at them. "Then let's get started!"

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