Chapter 25

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When Lisa got home, she was frustrated for days.

Jungkook left without a word. He didn't even say goodbye.

Did he really hate her? Then why invited her to fly a kite? After thinking about it for a few days, she still couldn't figure it out. In the end, she made herself sick and laid on the bed for more than ten days.

She used to be a little chubby, but now she was skinny.

When she got better, she had the goose kite put away in the storehouse, and she never took it out again.

Once, when she was passing by a corner in the backyard, she had someone bring her a ladder. She laid on the top of it and stared at the courtyard for a long time before silently climbing down again. She snuggled in Sandara's arms for a long time without making a sound.

"Jungkook is gone, but Jaehyun is still here." Madam Sandara felt her sadness, "Jaehyun has been looking for you these days. Why don't you see him? "

Ever since Jaehyun learned that Jungkook had left without saying a word, he had complained about him to the depths of his bones, scolding him from head to toe.

"I'm suffering, Mother," she said gloomily.

At such a young age, she actually knew what suffering meant. Madam Sandara couldn't help but laugh as she kissed the space between her eyebrows. "What's the big deal? There will be more people leaving you in the future, how can you care about any of them? Do you know what it means that people come and people go, little lamb? "

She raised her wet eyes. "A lot of people?"

Sandara nodded, "There are so many people in everyone's life, some coming, some leaving. This is normal, we can't avoid it."

"What do you mean, normal?"

"It's a very normal thing," said Madam Sandara.

She thought for a moment. Was it normal for brother Jungkook to leave?

She hugged Madam Sandara's waist, still brooding over one thing: "But brother Jungkook said he hates me."

Madam Sandara brushed her nose, slowly saying, "Didn't you often say that you hate brother Jungkook? Do you really hate him? '

She was silent, a little boyishly stubborn. "I didn't hate him, but I hate him when he left."

Madam Sandara laughed softly, pretending to be relieved. "Well, that's enough. You guys are even. You don't owe each other anything."

Lisa looked up, blinking, and suddenly felt that her words made sense.

Her gloomy mood improved as she grinned and leaned towards Sandara, saying tiredly, "Mum, Kiss me ..."

Madam Sandara let out a "you" with a helpless expression, but a smile appeared on her face.

Jaehyun came to the Jeon Mansion several times, but never saw Lisa.

On this day, he persevered and did not expect to be invited to Spring Flower Dock. Surprised and flustered, he hurried over, just in time to see Lisa swinging slowly by herself.

He stepped forward and said cheerfully, "Ah Lisa!"

She looked up and smiled at him. He didn't think the flowers around him looked as good as she did.

The swing brought her forward, then swung slowly back and stopped. He saw that she had lost a lot of weight, and the flesh on her face had reduced. When she smiled, a faint pear vortex appeared on both sides of her, making her look so beautiful.

Lisa pointed to another swing and said generously, "Ah Minnie is not here. You can ride on her swing."

Jaehyun sat on it, "I thought you didn't want to see me again."

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