Chapter 1

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Ariana is a brunette with black eyes, an evil character, a mafia and has her club 27
Karen is a blonde with blue eyes, good character, studying to be a lawyer 17


Standing on the balcony in my club, I watched everything that was happening below. At one point I noticed a girl like an angel. Her blond hair grew with her loving actions.

"An angel no less," I said, looking after the girl. The beautiful movements of her dance are compressive, but at the same time beautiful and accurate. She is the complete opposite of me.

" Did you like she?"came the voice of my assistant and friend at the same time. But what has been with me since childhood.

" Yes, she is an angel. " I said, letting out a languid exhalation. " I want her to be mine, no matter what it costs me " I said in all seriousness. I don't like to joke because my profession is not where you can joke, everything is serious.

"It's easier, otherwise she'll run away from you," she joked, "even more so, will she be able to run away from your hands?" she asked, knowing the answer in advance.

"never, I will not let her go "I said, clutching the railing of the balcony

Anna just grunted and put the documents on the table and left. I continued to stand watching her. A beautiful blue dress accentuated her waist and tenderness. I want to touch her but I can't because of the damn distance between us. This distance must be reduced.

I really want to go to her, but I can't approach her. Why can't I? I can do everything and I can do this too. She will be mine, I promise.

The girl went to the stairs and then down. On the way, guards stopped me to tell me about another fight in the club, but I ignored them and continued to my angel.

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