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Alexandriah Rue Nott:

As I sat down for dinner, the familiar scent of the dining hall enveloped me, a comforting reminder of routine amidst the chaos of a new school year. Despite my internal frustrations about the incoming first years potentially disrupting our peaceful sanctuary, I reminded myself to stay positive. "Nope, no negative thoughts," I whispered under my breath, steeling myself for the challenges ahead.

Surveying the room, I couldn't help but notice the presence of my brother's friend group seated nearby, their animated chatter contrasting with the subdued atmosphere around us. It struck me as odd to see them here, considering they usually frequented a different part of the hall. My curiosity piqued, I made a mental note to inquire about their unexpected appearance later.

"Oi! Nott!" Both my brother and I turn to see Sirius Black, Regulus' older brother.

"Which one?" Icarus asks. Sirius nods at me, "Baby Nott."

As I stood up, a wave of confusion washed over me, and I couldn't help but steal a glance at Regulus, my brother's friend who seemed to be at the center of the commotion. My eyes lingered on him for a moment longer than necessary, a reflexive action driven by the familiarity of his presence rather than any genuine connection between us. After all, Regulus and I weren't friends; our paths rarely crossed outside of familial gatherings or chance encounters in the corridors.

Shaking off the inexplicable urge to focus on him, I reminded myself of the more pressing matter at hand. Despite Regulus's presence, there was no reason why I couldn't approach Sirius, my brother's friend, and strike up a conversation. The familial ties between Sirius and my brother didn't hinder our potential interaction; if anything, they provided a common ground upon which to build a rapport. With renewed determination, I made a mental note to introduce myself to Sirius and his group, determined to navigate the social dynamics of the dining hall with confidence.

"Yes Black?" I ask rolling my eyes and walking with him to the Gryffindor table.

Potter and his group of pricks were there as well. "You know I miss those dances from when we were younger? Back when you and I would occasionally talk?" Sirius states.

"Yeah well I don't, you know I don't talk to blood traitors Black." I spit out his name like it's venom. Potter looks at me like I just shot a wounded puppy, I glare at them both before walking back to the Slytherin table.

Sitting down at my table, Icarus is looking at me with a questioning stare. Turning his way I tell him that he 'missed me'. The scoff Regulus had sitting across from him shocked me momentarily before my brother told me to ignore people like them.

What a way to start the year eh?

As I rose from my seat, the wooden chair scraping softly against the floor, a flicker of confusion danced across my features. My gaze instinctively darted toward Regulus, my brother's friend and an unexpected presence in the dining hall. His dark hair fell effortlessly over his forehead, framing his angular features, and his piercing gray eyes seemed to hold a hint of amusement as they met mine. Despite the lack of any meaningful connection between us, a strange sense of familiarity lingered, stirring within me a fleeting sense of curiosity.

Regulus, however, remained engrossed in conversation with his companions, their laughter echoing across the room. Their group exuded an air of confidence, their camaraderie palpable as they leaned in to share stories and jokes. It was a stark contrast to the subdued ambiance of the rest of the hall, where students sat in clusters, their conversations muted and their attention divided between their meals and the bustling activity around them.

As I tore my gaze away from Regulus and his friends, my thoughts turned to Sirius, my brother's close companion and a member of the same group. Despite our lack of direct interaction, the familial connection between Sirius and my brother hinted at a potential bridge between us. Sirius sat beside Regulus, his raven-black hair framing his striking features, his eyes alight with mischief as he engaged in lively banter with his companions.

Shadows of Loyalty: The Forbidden Bond [Regulus Black]Where stories live. Discover now